MAMP Server

MAMP is a macOS server running Apache, MySQL/MariaDB, and PHP.

Beware of installing MAMP PRO ☠️ by mistake, because you most likely want the free MAMP πŸ‹.

Once started, click on the preference button, navigate to ports, and select "80 & 3306" to use the default usual ports (8888 by default).

You can also navigate to "server", and click on Open in Finder. The folder opened is the web server root.

➑️ The associated URL is http://localhost.

➑️ The web server root path is shown when starting MAMP, in the middle of the screen. It's usually Application > MAMP > httpdocs.

Access the database

Navigate to http://localhost/phpmyadmin. You don't have to log in, but in your code, the credentials are root/root, and the port is 3306.