π Programming Training π
- the-book-of-secret-knowledge
- guru99 (too many :/)
- exercism (C, C#, Go, Bash...)
- studytonight (C, C++, Android...) + Tests
- skillshare (non-programming topics)
- digitalocean (Python, PHP, SQL, Go, Node)
- w3schools and w3docs
- toptal (blog with random stuff)
- codevscolor (web, mobile...)
- learnxinyminutes (many)
- adamtheautomator (???)
- sindresorhus/awesome (230k β)
- NARKOZ/guides (guidelines, 2k β)
- palash25/best-practices (0.9k β)
- the-book-of-secret-knowledge (85k β)
- sdmg15/websites (50k β)
- theAlgorithms (150k β)
- smashingmagazine (many)
- gitconnected (aggregate websites)
- devglan (many)
- hackr.io (aggregate)
- hashnode.com (community-based?)
- opensource.com (community-based?)
- substack (community-based, not IT-focused)
- leanpub (books, paid)
- dev.to (community-based?)
- toolsqa (tools)
- bitdegree/learn (many)
- codeproject (???)
- tutorialkart (many)
- beginnersbook (???)
Bootcamps focused
Programming languages focused
- programiz (Python, C, C++, Java, SQL, Linux)
- programmingwithmosh (Node, Java, JS, C#)
- codingthesmartway (Node, React...)
- codewithharry (JS, C, C++, Java, Python, React, PHP)
- baeldung (Java)
- mooc.fi (Java, Cyber)
- pluralsight (React, Java, Ruby, Python, Angular...)
- knowledgehut (R, Node, Ionic, C#...)
- gorails (Ruby)
- data-flair (Java, Python, Scala)
- riptutorial (???)
Web focused
- codesource.io (JS/CSS, Node, Vue/React/Angular/..., Python)
- masteringjs (Express, Mongoose, Vue, Mocha, Node...)
- sabe.io (Node, Vue/React, Python, Java, Docker, Deno)
- logrocket (React/Nest, Node, Sidekick/Bun, Kotlin, Rust...)
- futurestud (Android, Node, nginx...)
- ezekielekunola (Vue/React...)
- buddy.works (Vue/React/Mocha/..., Node, Docker...)
- sitepen (Typescript, Jest, Deno, Angular...)
- unclebigbay (React, JS, CSS)
- freecodecamp (React, JS)
- admecindia (many)
- ilovecoding (???)
- browserstack (???)
- jgthms and marksheet
- attacomsian (JS, Node.js)
- web.dev (HTML, Accessibility, CSS)
- bitsofco (random)
- blocshop (random)
- kodeco (ios, android, flutter/dart...)
- thoughtbot (ios, android...)
- weeklyhow (Shopify...)
- risingstack (Node, JS...)
- keycdn (???)
- ipraxa (???)
- itnext (???)
- frontendmasters (paid)
- onemonth (paid, html/css/...)
- symfonycasts (paid)
- travistidwell (???)
- ilikekillnerds (???)
- bobbyhadz (???)
- debugandrelease (electron)
- svelte (electron)
- logfetch (???)
- code-boost (Js, React, Node...)
- learnfromsteph (???)
- egghead.io (???)
- 12daysofweb (???)
- moderncss+smolcss (π», modern css)
- dofactory (???)
- sitepoint (web, mobile...)
- stackify (???)
Blockchains focused
- Complexity
- cburch (books)
Project management/... focused
- arne (notes)
- mokacoding
- francoisbrucker (french)
- dubrayn
- umassmed (Python, R, Linux)
- codinginfinite
- dataschool (Datascience)
- 1NSI2 (french)
- fxjollois (french)
- computerhope (tips)
- codeur (french)
- wonderfall (french)
- leblogducodeur (french)
- zestedesavoir (french)
- thinkr (french)
- thenewdeveloper (tests)
- poftut (???)
- jvns and wizardzines
- stackpath (???)
- jerhemy (a few articles, JS/...)
- kdnuggets (???)
- interviewcake (small courses)
- mkyong (Java, maven...)
- ebens (???)
- fireship (short articles)
- codingbeautydev (???)
- madza (???)
- interactiveknowledge (???)
- akshaydeo (electron...)
- dmitripavlutin (Vue, JS, TS...)
- makeuseof (???)
- helpdeskgeek (???)
- ihax (???)
- labnol (???)
- anakagung (4 articles)
- essential-dev-skills (french)
- jamesbachini (???)
- upwork (???)
- ppawar (???)
- makeawebsitehub (???)
- [lambdatest]https://www.lambdatest.com/blog/) (Java, C#, PHP...)
- techhyme (???)
- WebDevJourney
- omundy
- developer-y
- build-your-own-x
- Zero To Mastery
- Best-websites-a-programmer-should-visit
- Open Source Society University
- Awesome Tech Blogs
- app-ideas (60k β)
- project-based-learning (84k β)
- leetcode
- codewars
- hackerrank
- lugo-test
- adventofcode
- interviewbit
- pix
- devhints.io
- cheat-sheets.org
- codehints and codingcheats (cheatsheets)
- htmlcheatsheet
- iLoveCodingOrg