
A network is a net of devices connected to each other, such as all the devices connected to your internet box πŸ’».

These devices need to communicate (securely!) between each other βœ‰οΈ.

Random Network

Some elements that are involved, shown in the simplified schema:

  • IP Address 🌍: each network device has an IP address. This allows us to find where a machine is. Example:

  • MAC Address 🏠: an IP address is not fixed. If a network device is connected to another network, it will have a new IP address. A MAC address is a unique identifier to identify a device.

  • Network interface πŸ“Ά: this is the logical representation of the network card used to connect a device to a network. We can have multiple of them. Example: eth0.

  • Protocol πŸ”: a format/language for exchanging messages, so that different devices can communicate with each other. Example: SSH.

  • Port 🐊: each protocol uses a specific (logical) channel for messages. For example, if a machine receives a message on port 22, they will expect the protocol to be SSH...

IP Addresses and MAC address

IP addresses 🌍


An IP address is a unique identifier assigned to each device on a network. It's used to locate a device on the network. There are two kind of IP addresses:

  • IPV4: a 32 bits address
  • IPV6: a 128 bits address

There is a shortage of IPV4 since many years, due to the great amount of connected devices, leading to a shift from IPV4 to IPV6.

MAC address 🏠

intro_to_network_traffic_analysis whatisnetworking

A media access control address (MAC address) is a unique address set by the network interface vendor.

This is a 6-bytes-long address such as ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff with 12 hexadecimal characters, separated by a colon.

  • The first 6 characters are identifying the vendor/manufacturer. This is called a OUI (Organizationally unique identifier).
  • The last 6 characters are the unique address

Each Network interface has one.

Interfaces and ports


A network interface (NIC)/adapter/card is a physical component connecting your machine and the network. A virtual network interface is the virtual representation of the physical component πŸ“Ά.

Common (virtual network) interfaces are

  • eth0, eth1... 🧦: for ethernet adapters
  • tun0, tun1... πŸͺ‚: for VPN adapters
  • lo (loopback) 🏑: for the localhost virtual network (

The loopback interface is used by local applications to share data between themselves, over the localhost network.

Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) πŸ›‚: to avoid data loss, each interface has a maximum size for a packet. The default MTU of lo is 65536ko, while for others it is 1500ko. Bigger packets are fragmented.



A port is a virtual messaging channel which is only associated with one protocol, such as 22 associated with SSH. This association allows a machine to correctly handle a message using the correct protocol.

  • πŸ—ƒοΈ There are 65535 (or in short $2^{16}$) available ports
  • πŸ”’ The first 1024 ports are called "well-known/system ports"
  • ☘️ Ports 1024 to 49151 are called "registered ports"
  • πŸ€ Ports 49152 to 65535 are called "dynamic/private ports"

πŸ—ΊοΈ List of TCP/UDP ports and their protocols.

  • πŸ€” A protocol can be re-assigned to another port (for security...)
  • βœ… Ports can be "open", "filtered" (firewall), or "closed"
  • 🍸 A port can, according to the protocol, receive TCP, UDP, or both TCP and UDP messages.
  • πŸ”₯ Port 0 is called wildcard port. When used by a program, it automatically be replaced by any available port.

Networking models

OSI model

intro_to_network_traffic_analysis introductiontonetworking osimodelzi introtonetworking

The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI or ISO/OSI) model is a standardized representation of how we could send a message between two machines 🀝. It's made of 7 layers:

  • Layer 7 - Application: programs are exchanging data
  • Layer 6 - Presentation: standardize, encrypt, compress
  • Layer 5 - Session: try to establish a connection
  • Layer 4 - Transport: select a protocol
  • Layer 3 - Network: create a packet
  • Layer 2 - Data Link: resolve MAC
  • Layer 1 - Physical: binary to signals

A computer generate a message at a layer. The message go down every layer until it's sent πŸ“©. When a computer receives a message, it will go up every layer in reverse order πŸ“–.

Each time a message go down, a header is added. This is called encapsulation πŸ“₯. When it goes up, it's called de-encapsulation πŸ“€.

The Protocol Data Unit πŸ“œ (PDU) is generated at each layer. It's both the layer protocol headers, and the previous PDU as the data, which is usually called payload.

TCP/IP model

intro_to_network_traffic_analysis introductiontonetworking introtonetworking

The TCP/IP model was introduced before the OSI model, but remains the most used because it's more compact 🀏. It's made of 4 layers:

  • Layer 4 - Application: Layers 5 to 7 of OSI
  • Layer 3 - Transport: Layers 4 of OSI (socket, port...)
  • Layer 2 - Internet: Layers 3 of OSI (IP, ETH...)
  • Layer 1 - Physical: Layers 1, and 2 of OSI (Wi-Fi, ADsr, ETH...)

➑️ Some are splitting "Layer 1" back into two layers like in OSI, but it's not what's defined in the RFC1122 standard.

➑️ See also the model OSI/TCP/IP.



A protocol is a set of instructions formalizing the way of communicating between devices (endianness, floating numbers format, charset, separators, integrity, errors...).

Each protocol can be represented using a Message Sequence Chart, describing how two machines are interacting using this protocol.

Layer 7: Application Layer (data) πŸ§‘

File transfer πŸ“‚
Mail transfer πŸ“«
Remote shell access πŸ§‘β€πŸ’»
Web requests 🌍
Remote desktop access πŸ’»
Domain resolution πŸ“
Network file system πŸ—ƒοΈ
IP addresses lease 🎯
Network Management 🧼
Others πŸ—ƒοΈ

Layer 6: Presentation Layer (data) πŸ”’

Layer 5: Session Layer (data) πŸ“Ά

Layer 4: Transport Layer (segment/datagram) πŸ“«

Layer 3: Network Layer (packets) 🌍

Layer 2: Data Link Layer (frames) πŸ”’

Layer 1: Physical Layer (bits) πŸ’Ί

  • N/A

➑️ Note that some protocols may operate at multiple layers.

πŸ‘» To-do πŸ‘»

Stuff that I found, but never read/used yet.

  • see SRM notes
  • IPV6 EUI64 (texas)
  • VIP (virtual IP?)


Network segmentation

  • VRFs (Virtual Routing and Forwarding)


Traffic mirroring: See also NetFlow to collect and analyze network traffic data.

Network or protocol analyzers: Wireshark, tcpdump...

Triple-A model: Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting. It's a framework to control who can access the network, and what can they do. These are usually implemented by AAA-servers. See the RADIUS or the TACACS+ protocol...