C programming

The C programming language is a low-level language that allows us to interact with system calls and memory directly.

You will create a file with the .c extension, for instance, main.c


int main() {
    printf("Hello World\n");

Then, use gcc to generate an executable of your program.

$ gcc main.c -o a.out

Then, run your executable with

$ ./a.out
Hello World

➑️ There are a few changes between C89 and C99 such as inline comments (//) and variable declarations inside for that were added.


Declare a variable

int name;
int name = 0;
const int A_CONSTANT = 5;

➑️ When creating a variable without a default value, the compiler will automatically give it a default value.


πŸ”₯ There is no type bool/boolean, so we usually use a short/int. You can use any value such as 1 for true, while 0 means false.

char aaa = 'a'; // one character | 8 bits
// printf: %c %hhd %hhi | %%c %hhd %hhu %hhx %hho
short bbb = 42; // a small number | 16 bits
// printf: %hd %hi | %hu %ho %hx %hX
int ccc = 42; // a number | 32 bits
// printf: %d %i | %u %X
// alternatives: 42i (signed) 42U (unsigned)
// alternatives: 0x10 (hexa, %x) 010 (octal, %o)
long ddd = 42; // a big number | 64 bits
// printf: %ld %li | %llu %llo %llx %llX
// alternatives: 42L (signed), 42UL (unsigned)
long long eee = 42; // ...
// printf: %lld %lli
// alternatives: 42LL (signed), 42ULL (unsigned)
float fff = 3.14; // a small real | 32 bits
// printf: %f %e %E %g %a
// alternatives: 3.14f
double ggg = 3.14; // a real | 64 bits
// printf: %lf %le %lE %lg %la
long double hhh = 3.14; // a very big real | 80 bits
// printf: %Lf %Le %LE %Lg %La

A string in C is an array of chars. You can use escape codes such as "\n" (newline), "\t" (tabulation), or "\" to escape a character.

char* xxx = "Hello World\n";

Types are signed by default, meaning there are $2^{n-1}$ negative values, $2^{n-1}$ positive values including 0 giving us $[2^{n-1}, 2^{n-1}-1]$. Unsigned variables only take positive values: $[0, 2^{n}-1]$.

signed int xxx = 0;
unsigned int xxx = 0;

➑️ For printf, there are formats for signed and unsigned types.


You can cast a value using (type).

int xxx = (int) 'c'; // xxx == 99

Print some text in the terminal

We use printf to print standard output, and fprintf to print errors.

#include <stdio.h>
printf("Hello, World\n");
printf("Hello, %s\n", "World");
printf("%s, World\n", "Hello");
printf("%s, %s\n", "Hello", "World");


You can learn more about operators here.

// assignation
int x = 5;
x++;        // 6, same as x = x + 1
x += 2;     // 8, same as x = x + 2
x--;        // 7, same as x = x - 1
x -= 3; x *= 3; x /= 4;
// arithmetic
int sum = 5 + 5;     // 10
int by = 5 * 5;      // 25
int divided = 6 / 5; // 1
// logical
if (5 == 5) {} // true
if (5 != 5) {} // false
if (!0) {}     // !0 = 1 = true
if (1 || 0) {} // logical OR, true
if (1 && 0) {} // logical AND, false
if (1 ^ 0) {}  // logical XOR, true

➑️ There is also an operator ++x (or --x). The difference with the postfix version is that the ++ is done before anything else.

int i = 0;
if (i++ == 1) {} // false, "==" is evaluated before "++"
if (++i == 2) {} // true, "==" is evaluated after "++"


#define is used to define something that will be replaced by something else. It could be used for constants, but you can basically use it for anything.

#define HELLO(n) printf("Hello, %s!\n", n)
#define WHO "World"

int main() {

Control-flow structures


Usual if/else.

if (1) { }
if (1) { } else {}
if (1) { } else if (0) {} else {}

Ternary operator: condition ? value_if_true : value_if_value.

char* value = 1 ? "true" : "false";

Switch-case (without break, more than one case may be executed)

int variable = 1;
    case 1: printf("variable=1\n"); break; // here
    case 2: printf("variable=2\n"); break;


In every loop, you can use break/break n to exit the loop, and you can use continue to skip the code, and process to the next iteration.

// usual loop - i in [0, 10[
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {}
// reverse loop - i in ]0, 10]
for (int i = 10; i > 0; i--) {}
// nested loop
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
    for (int j = 0; j < 5; ++j) {}
while(1) {}; // repeat while true
do {} while(1); // executed at least once

The function main

The main function is called when executing your program.

int main() {
    // your program here
    return 0;

The return 0 is the exit code of your program. 0 means success, not 0 means failure. You can use EXIT_SUCCESS/EXIT_FAILURE instead:

#include <stdlib.h>

int main() {

You can pass arguments to your program.

$ ./a.out "Hello" "World!"

Use argc to know the number of arguments. argv is an array of strings (char *). The first argument is the path to your executable.

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    printf("argv[%d]=%s\n", 0, argv[0]); // "./a.out"
    printf("argv[%d]=%s\n", 1, argv[1); // "Hello"
    printf("argv[%d]=%s\n", 2, argv[2); // "World!"
    printf("argc=%d\n", argc); // 3
    return 0;


A function is a block of code that was extracted from the main function, mostly to be reused, or to keep things clean.

int square(int v) {
    return v * v;
int x = square(5);
// x = 25

A function must be declared before being called. As a good practice is to put the main function at the top of the file, we usually use signatures/prototypes to declare the function before the main, then code the function after the main.

int square(int v); // prototype
// πŸ‘‰ same as: int square(int);

// πŸ‘‰ the main is the first function we see
int main() {
    int x = square(5); // βœ… can call square
    // ...

// πŸ‘‰ and, here are implementations
int square(int v) {
    return v * v;

Pointer and addresses

Every variable is stored at some location inside the memory.

When calling a function with some variables, they are passed by value, meaning they are copied 🀒, and if the new function edits them, the original will remain unchanged 🚫.

To avoid losing memory because of copies πŸ”₯, or to allow a function to edit a variable passed to it ✨, you can use pointers πŸ€.

A pointer is a variable that holds the address of another variable.

  • ➑️ A pointer has a fixed size in memory
  • ➑️ A pointer can read/edit the value of the original variable

From a variable, to get the address, use &

int *a = NULL; // default value for a pointer
int b = 10;
a = &b; // a can now read/edit b

To access the variable stored inside the pointer, use *

int c = *a; // c = 10

To print the address of a variable, use %p

printf("%p\n", &b); // 0xXXX
printf("%p\n", &(*a)); // same, 0xXXX

Without a pointer, a still equals to 0 after f(a).

void f(int a) { a++; }

int main() {
    int a = 0;
    printf("%d\n", a); // 0

With a pointer, the function f is now able to edit a.

void f(int* a) { (*a)++; }

int main() {
    int a = 0;
    printf("%d\n", a); // 1


An array is a list of values. The first value is at the index 0.

int a[] = {3, 4}; // length = 2
int a[2] = {3, 4}; // same
// each case will have a default value
// determined by the compiler
int b[2];
int c[2] = {0}; // all cases with have the value 0
int d[5] = {1, 0}; // d[0] = 1, others = 0 

// edit your array
b[0] = 3;
b[1] = 4;
// get the nth-1 value
int first = b[0];

To iterate an array, you better know the length

int length = 2;
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
    printf("a[%d]=%d\n", i, a[i]);
// a[0]=3
// a[1]=4

You can also use this trick, but it won't work on dynamically allocated arrays. The sizeof(int) is for an int[]...

int size = sizeof(a) / sizeof(int);
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
    printf("a[%d]=%d\n", i, a[i]);

You can create multidimensional arrays by adding another []. The first size is the number of lines, the second is for the columns.

int a[l][c];
int a[2][2] = { {1,2}, {3,4}};
// a[0][0] = 1
// a[0][1] = 2
// ...

Arrays are pointers

To be accurate, an array is a pointer to the first case of the array. As all cases are adjacent, we can move to the $nth$ case starting from the first one.

int first = *a; // same as a[0]
int first = *(a+0); // same as a[0]

Dynamic arrays

Normal arrays have a fixed length. You can use malloc to create a pointer to an array of n elements.

int n = 10;
// πŸ‘‰ allocate memory
int *a = (int*) malloc(n*sizeof(int));
int *a = (int*) calloc(sizeof(int), n); // 0 in all cases
// code
// πŸ‘‰ free up the memory

You can change the size with realloc:

n = 20;
a = (int*) realloc(a, n*sizeof(int));

🎯 If you have $n$ malloc, you must have $n$ free.


A structure/record is a type made of multiple types.

struct Person {
    char* name;
    int age;

From a variable having the type struct Person, you can access the fields using ".".

int main() {
    // create a variable "toto"
    struct Person toto;
    toto.name = "Toto";
    toto.age = 18;
    // ex: prints toto
    printf("{name: %s, age: %d}\n", toto.name, toto.age);

With a pointer: you need malloc, and will use "->" instead of ".".

int main() {
    // create a pointer "toto"
    Person *toto = (Person*) malloc(sizeof(Person));
    toto->name = "Toto";
    toto->age = 18;
    // ex: prints toto
    printf("{name: %s, age: %d}\n", toto->name, toto->age);
    free(toto); // πŸ‘‰ don't forget to destroy toto

You can use typedef to rename your struct Person in Person.

+typedef struct Person Person;

int main() {
-    struct Person toto;
+    Person toto;
// declaration + renaming
typedef struct Person_s {
    // ...
} Person;

Initializer: can only be used during the declaration

Person toto = { "Toto", 18 };
Person toto = { .name = "Toto", .age = 18 };

Private structures: this is a technique in which we do not allow someone to know how the structure is defined. We will only expose the name of the structure, along with methods to use it.

Example of code with Person
// πŸ‘‰ Declaration
// main can only use this
typedef struct Person Person;

Person* createPerson(char*, int);
char* get_person_name(Person* p);
int get_person_age(Person* p);

// πŸ‘‰ Utilization
int main() {
    Person *toto = createPerson("toto", 18);
    // ❌ we can't access toto->name...
    printf("{ name: %s, age: %d }\n",

// πŸ‘‰ Implementation
struct Person {
    char* name;
    int age;

Person* createPerson(char* name, int age) {
    Person* p = (Person*) malloc(sizeof(Person));
    p->name = name;
    p->age = age;
    return p;

inline char* get_person_name(Person* person) {
    return person->name;

inline int get_person_age(Person* person) {
    return person->age;

➑️ Usually, we will move the implementation inside another file (ex: person.c) and the declarations inside a header file (ex: person.h). Then, others will import the header.

Streams and files

stdout, stderr, stdin

A stream is a buffer (array) where we can read/write data from a source. There are three known streams that are always open

  • stdin/0: read input from the terminal
  • stdout/1: the standard output of the terminal
  • stderr/2: the error output of the terminal

➑️ All of these are streams of characters.


To open a stream to a file, use fopen. You must close it after using it.

// open a file
if ((f = fopen("file.txt", "r")) == NULL) {
    /* error, do something */
    return 1;

// close

Note that when reading/writing in a file, you are moving a cursor. The cursor's initial location is determined by the mode used when opening the file.

  • r: read-only, cursor at the start
  • w: write-only, clear the file, cursor at the start
  • a: write-only, cursor at the end

To open a file in multiple modes, add a +, such as r+, but you must flush the buffer first.

fflush(f); // or fseek(f, 0, SEEK_CUR);

To move the cursor, you can use

long pos = ftell(f); // position of the cursor
fseek(f, 0L, SEEK_CUR); // jump 0 bytes from current
fseek(f, 0L, SEEK_SET); // jump to the start
fseek(f, 0L, SEEK_END); // jump to the end
rewind(f); // jump to the start
// is the cursor at the end? 0=FALSE, 1=TRUE
int eof = feof(f); // EOF = EndOfFile
int value; // used for examples with scanf/...
char* buffer[11]; // used for examples with a buffer

Streams of characters

A stream in which what we write/read are characters.

// πŸ‘‰ stdin (shortcuts)
scanf("%d", &value); // same as printf
// πŸ‘‰ from any stream (ex: with stdin)
fscanf(stdin, "%d", &value); // same as printf
int value = fgetc(stdin); // read one char, deprecated?
fgets(buffer, 10, stdin); // read n chars + \0
// πŸ‘‰ stdout (shortcuts)
printf("%d", value);
putchar('\n'); // print one character
puts("Hello, World\n"); // print one string
// πŸ‘‰ from any stream (ex: with stdout)
fprintf(stdout, "%d", value);
fputc('\n', stdout); // same as putchar/putc
fputs("Hello, World\n", stdout); // same as puts

Streams of bytes

A binary stream.

// read one int from stdin
read(buffer, sizeof(int), 1);
// read one int from stdin
fread(buffer, sizeof(int), 1, stdin);
// write 13 (12+\0) characters to stdout
fwrite("Hello, World", sizeof(char), 12+1, stdout);
// same, 1 == stdout
write(1, "Hello, World", (12+1) * sizeof(char));

Multiple files, and headers

You can move the declaration of functions/types to another file, called header, such as main.h. Other files will only be able to use what you declared inside them.

#ifndef MAIN_H
#define MAIN_H

// your declarations here
int xxx();


In another file, you should use import with "" to import it.

#include "path/.../main.h"

To compile, you must do it in two steps. This step will generate two files: main.o and other.o.

$ gcc -c main.c main.h other.c
$ gcc -c main.c other.c # same

Then, you must link your .o to generate an executable.

$ gcc main.o other.o -o a.out

➑️ We usually use a Makefile to avoid having to type complex commands each time we want to compile the project.


Random number

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

int main() {
    srand(time(NULL)); // randomize the generator
    int min = 1;
    int max = 5;
    int x = rand() % max + min;
    // x in [min, max]


⚠️ You must use gcc [...] -lm to compile your file.

#include <math.h>

// round() ceil(), trunc(), fabs(), floor(),
// log(), sqrt(x), pow(x, y), exp(), log10(),
// sin(), cos(), tan(), asin(), acos(), atan(),
// M_E, M_PI

int xxx = pow(10, 3); // 10^3

Execute a command

// clear the terminal


#include <math.h>

// strlen(), strcmp()
// strcpy(), strcat()
// strtol(), strtoul(), strtod()

int five = (int) strtol("5", NULl, 0);
long five = strtol("5", NULl, 10);
double five = strtod("5.0", NULL);

char* str;
long error = strtol("5a", &str, 0);
// "str" == "a" (so str is not empty == error)
#include <stdlib.h>
int five = atoi("5");
int error = atoi("xxx"); // 0
long five = atol("5");

πŸ‘» To-do πŸ‘»

Stuff that I found, but never read/used yet.

printf("%5d", 5); // "     5"
printf("%05d", 5); // "000005"
printf("%0.3f", 1.35); // "1.350"
printf("%.3f", 1.35); // "1.350"

#if 0
  • \0
  • void (*handler)(int)
  • sizeof / %zu / sizeof(type) sizeof(*variable)
  • inline
  • short int
  • long long int
  • barrel shift a >> b (divide by 2), a << b (multiply by 2)
  • &, |
  • LinkedLists/...
  • labels, and goto