
JUnit is a well-known testing library in Java.

JUnit5 is a bit less straightforward to use, and unlike JUnit4 where there is only one file, the code is now divided into modules, so you need to find and download the ones you need.

You will usually put every required .jar in a folder "libs". To find the JUnit5 jar you need, check the path of the import in the code.


$ javac -cp ".:libs/*" XXXTest.java
$ java -cp ".:libs/*" org.junit.runner.JUnitCore XXXTest


$ javac -d out -cp ".:/libs/*" XXXTest.java
$ java -jar junit-platform-console-standalone.jar -cp "out" --scan-classpath


In JUnit4, it was common to have a class to run all tests.

public class RunAllTests {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Result result = JUnitCore.runClasses(XXXTest.class, YYYTest.class);
        if (result.wasSuccessful()) {
            System.out.println("All tests passed.");
        } else {
            for (Failure failure : result.getFailures()) {
                System.err.println("Failure : " + failure.toString());

If your IDE can run them, it's shorter and better to run suites:

@SuiteClasses({XXXTest.class, YYYTest.class})
public class AllTests {}

To move to/from JUnit5, you will most likely have to only replace the import with JUnit4 imports (if classes/methods still exist):

import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;


Since JUnit5, there is no easy way to have a main class run all tests. You can run multiple classes using:

@SelectClasses({XXXTest.class, YYYTest.class})
public class AllTests {}

🍡 Required: jupiter-api, platform-commons, platform-suite-api, platform-suite-engine, platform-suite-commons.

To move to/from JUnit4, you will most likely have to only replace the import with JUnit5 imports (if classes/methods still exist):

import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;

➑️ Notice that we use api, so you need the xxx-api.jar.


JUnit uses assertions in its tests. They are defined in the package Assertions (JUnit5) or Assert (JUnit4).

An assertion is a function call that will test something, and raise an exception if the check fails.

// true if equals
Assertions.assertEquals(Object, Objet);
// true if the condition is true
// true if the condition is false
// true if null
// true if not null
// true if ==
Assertions.assertSame(Object, Object);
// true if !=
Assertions.assertNotSame(Object, Object)
// true if Arrays are equals
// true if exception got thrown,
// method must be a Runnable
assertThrows(SomeException.class, method);
// fail

Every assert method has an argument usually called message to send, along with the exception, a more pertinent error message.

Test suites

Test suite are java classes with tests. Most test methods are named starting with test[...]. They are annotated with @Test.

public class XXXTest {
    public void testAAA() {

According to the JUnit version, you can add some annotations to refine how JUnit handles your test.

  • @DisplayName("XXX"): name displayed by the runner
  • @Test(expected = XXX.class): the test must raise an exception
  • @Test(timeout = xxx): test fails if longer than the timeout
  • @Disabled: don't run this test

Test suites usually group tests, testing the same method or class. We may have to prepare things before running tests:

public class TestSuite {
    // before/all ALL tests
    public static void classInit(){ /* set attributes */ }
    public static void classFree(){ /* unset attributes */ }

    // before/all EVERY test
    public void testInit(){ /* set attributes, ... */ }
    public void testFree(){ /* unset attributes, ... */ }

☠️ Use @BeforeClass/@AfterClass, and @Before/@After with Junit4.

Parametric tests

Parametric tests are tests that have the same code but different parameters. We will write a method with parameters once, and tell JUnit all the parameters that must be tested.

The logic is that we will indicate one or more sources to fill the parameter with our test method. These methods return a Stream.

public class XXXTest {
    public void myTest(ArgumentType name){
        // code
    private static Stream<ArgumentType> method_name(){
        return ...;

For instance, here, we will call myTest with 5, 7, 3, and 5.

@MethodSource({"test", "test2", "test"})
public void myTest(int p){
    // some code here

private static Stream<Integer> test() {
    ArrayList<Integer> e = new ArrayList<>();
    return e.stream();

private static Stream<Integer> test2() {
    ArrayList<Integer> e = new ArrayList<>();
    return e.stream();

πŸ‘» To-do πŸ‘»

Stuff that I found, but never read/used yet.

  • Maven
  • Idea note
-junit5 pkg.AClass,aTest
// @SelectPackages("tests")
// @SelectPackages({"tests"})
public class MaClasse {

@RunWith(Suite.class) ;
@Suite.SuiteClasses({ TestClass.class, ... });
public class MyClass {}