

ffuf (fuzz faster u fool) (10.6k ⭐) is a Fuzzing tool in Go. It was designed to be a faster and modern alternative to wfuzz.

Common examples are:

$ ffuf -w wordlist -u URL/FUZZ       # Forced browsing
$ ffuf -w wordlist -u URL?FUZZ=value # GET
$ ffuf -w wordlist -u URL?key=FUZZ   # GET
$ ffuf -w wordlist -u URL/FUZZ -H "Header: value" # Header
$ ffuf -w wordlist -u URL -X POST -d "xxx=FUZZ"   # POST//BELOW
$ ffuf -w wordlist -u URL -X POST -d "xxx=FUZZ" -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
  • -w wordlist: FUZZ will be replaced with each entry in the wordlist
  • -u URL: URL/endpoint where the request is made
  • -H header_value: a header, or a list of headers comma separated
  • -X method: the method used (GET/POST..;). Default: GET.
  • -d payload: POST payload
  • -t 40: number of threads, default to 40
  • -timeout 10: timeout, default to 10, you may use 1
  • -ic: ignore wordlist comments such as copyrights
  • -v: enable verbose

You can use multiple wordlists, in such cases, you won't use FUZZ, but your own keyword, such as W1/W2.

$ ffuf -w wordlist1:W1,wordlist2:W2 -u URL?w1=W1&w2=W2 [...]

You may recursively fuzz while it's advised to set a maximum depth to avoid long fuzzing and waiting times.

$ ffuf [...] -recursion -recursion-depth 1

You will most likely want to only show some answers, or filter=hide some answers, based on a criterion. A filter switch is starting with -f, while a show switch is starting with -m.

  • c code: show/hide response with this code
  • l n: show/hide responses with this $n$ number of lines
  • w n: show/hide responses with this $n$ number of words
  • s size: show/hide responses with a size equal to $s$
  • r regex: show/hide responses matching the regex
$ ffuf -fc 404,500 [...] # hides 404,500
$ ffuf -fc 400-404 [...] # hides 400 to 404
$ ffuf -mc 200 [...]     # show only 200
$ ffuf -mc 200,301 [...] # show only 200,301
$ ffuf -fs 5230 [...]    # hides responses with size=5230

➑️ In theory, the repository ffuf-scripts should have a list of scripts useful with ffuf.

☠️ You may have to use -H "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0" if you got 403.

Special uses

vhost brute force

For vhosts brute force, you can use:

$ ffuf -w wordlist -H "Host: FUZZ.example.com" -u http://IP
$ ffuf -w wordlist -H "Host: FUZZ.example.com" -u http://example.com

⚠️ Similar responses are most likely the same answer (failure).

Forced Browsing

For forced browsing, you can use:

$ ffuf -w wordlist -u URL/FUZZ

Use -e .xxx,.yyy to test appending extensions to FUZZ. The initial behavior without any extension is still tested.

subdomains brute force

For subdomains brute force, you can use:

$ ffuf -w wordlist -u FUZZ.example.com

⚠️ Similar responses are most likely the same answer (failure).