ARM Assembly

Assembly languages are low-level languages directly interacting with a processor such as an Intel or an ARM processor.

ARM assembly is one of the assembly languages used for RISC processors (Reduced Instruction Set Computing) such as ARM processors.

  • 🧐 Simplified instruction set compared to CISC processors
  • πŸš€ Usually more performant
  • ⚑ Usually has lower power consumption
  • πŸ“± ARM processors are quite used in IoT/embedded systems/...

Where to learn? πŸŽ“

πŸ‘‰ Assemble: transform an assembly file .s into an object file .o

$ as -gstabs -o file.o file.s

πŸ‘‰ Link: link one or more object files into an executable a.out

$ ld -O0 file.o

πŸ‘‰ Execute: execute your program

$ ./a.out

➑️ It's worth noting that you can use both Assembly and C together by using gcc -c file.c to generate an object file (useful for testing partial assembly code with a function implemented in C).

➑️ You can dump the assembly code of a C program with objdump -d a.out. See also the disassemble command.

File structure

An ARM file usually starts with .equ directives. That's where we define constants, such as system calls numbers we will use.

.equ SYS_EXIT, 1
.equ SYS_WRITE, 4

They are usually followed by the optional .arm directive, to indicate that the code should be assembled for ARMv4T or newer.


The code is then followed by an optional .data directive, in which we can declare variables that we will use in the code.

message: .asciz "Hello, World\n"
message_len: .word 13

For a function to be used in another file, it must be a global function. This includes the entry point function, usually _start or main.

.global _start

Then, we define the code of the function like so:

    @ write(1, "Hello, World", 12)
    mov r0, #1
    ldr r1, =message
    ldr r2, =message_len
    mov r7, #SYS_WRITE
    swi #0
    @ exit(0)
    mov r0, #0
    mov r7, #SYS_EXIT
    swi #0

Compile, and execute. This code prints "Hello, World". Another way to code the same function would be:

    @ printf("Hello, World")
    ldr r0, =message
    bl printf
    @ return 0
    mov r0, #0
    bx lr

πŸ‘‰ Both are correct, but in the former, we only used system calls.

ARM basics

Registers πŸ—ƒοΈ

Registers are used to store values such as function parameters.

  • r0 to r6, r8 to r10 are used to store values
  • r7: store system call value
  • r11: store fp (Frame pointer)
  • r12: store ip (Intra Procedural Call)
  • r13: store sp (Stack Pointer)
  • r14: store lr (Link Register, next instruction)
  • r15: store pc (Program Counter, current instruction)

Variables πŸ—οΈ

We usually either use constants or variables to store values. The syntax is label: type value, with type:

  • .ascii: string converted to ASCII
  • .asciz: same but add a \0 at the end
  • .word: an integer
number: .word 4 @ int number = 4;


Comments can be written using @ or # or ;.

System calls πŸ§‘β€πŸ­

While you can use some functions such as printf (if imported), most of the time, you will only be able to use system calls.

Each system call is identified by a code: exit (1), fork (2), read (3), write (4), open (5), and close (6). You can find them here:

$ less /usr/include/arm-linux-gnueabihf/asm/unistd.h

Here is a checklist:

  • βœ‰οΈ Set the registers r0-r6 with the arguments for the system call. Refer to Functions as the process is the same.
    mov r0, #0 @ the first argument is 0
  • 🏠 Set the r7 register with the system call number
    mov r7, #1 @ example to call exit
  • πŸ“¬ Invoke the system call swi (same as svc):
    swi #0 @ will call: exit(0);


Instructions are operations that we can perform. For instance, we can put a value inside a register, or calculate the sum of two registers.

  • Rd or Rn are registers such as r0, r1...
  • Operand2 can be an immediate constant, or a register

Register-related operations οΈπŸ“

; mov Rd, Operand2 | store a value in a register
mov r0, #3

@ ldr Rd, =label | load the value of "message" in r0
ldr r0, =message

; ldr Rd, [Rn] | load the value of a pointer stored in r0
ldr r1, [r0]

; str Rd, =label | store the value in Rd in "message"
str r0, =message

; str Rd, [Rn] | store in the pointer in r0 the value in r1
str r1, [r0]

You can add one of these after ldr/str like ldrb.

  • b: load/store the first byte
  • h: load/store the first two bytes.

Mathematical operations πŸŽ’

; Rd = Rn + Operand2
add Rd, Rn, Operand2

; Rd = Rn - Operand2
sub Rd, Rn, Operand2

; Rd = Operand2 - Rn
rsb Rd, Rn, Operand2

; exclusive or
eor Rd, Rn, Operand2

; Rd = Rn * Rm (32-bit value in Rd)
mul Rd, Rn, Rm

; Rd = Rn * Rm (64-bit, signed only)
smull RdLo, RdHi, Rn, Rm

; Rd = Rn * Rm (64-bit, unsigned only)
umull RdLo, RdHi, Rn, Rm

➑️ RdLo are the lower 32 bits, while RdHi are the upper 32 bits.


Let's say we have this code in C:

int sum(int a, int b) {
    return a + b;

int x = sum(5, 3);

Call a function

The first argument is stored in the first register r0, the second in the second register r1... The output will be stored in r0.

    mov r0, #5
    mov r1, #3
    bl sum @ function call: sum(5, 3)
    @ result in r0

⚠️ Actually, which registers are used for arguments/the output, is something up to the one that wrote the function.

Code a function

You must declare the function as .global. Then, implement it as usual.

@ This function expects a .word in r0 (a)
@ and a .word in r1 (b).
@ It will store the result (a+b) in r0.
.global sum

    add r0, r0, r1

🧼 You should do it in another file, to keep things clean and tidy.

Immediate constants

Immediate constants are constants passed as Operand2 using #.

    mov r0, #1

⚠️ Major limitation: immediate constants are not on 32 bits like integers, but on 12 bits.

  • 4 bits πŸ”: the rotation of the value to get the number
  • 8 bits πŸ”’: a value that may be rotated to get the number

πŸ‘‰ It means that not every number can be used.

The process to manually calculate if a value can be immediate is:

  • Write the value on 32 bits
  • Rotate the bits by a shift amount which must be a multiple of 2. The goal is to have the number on 8 bits.
  • The value for the rotation is $n$ (in binary) in $2^n$
Ex: from decimal to immediate constant

What's the value of $0001\ 00000001$?

  • 32 bits: $00000000\ 00000000\ 00000000\ 00000001$
  • $0001$ means that $n=1$, and the rotation is $2^1=2$
  • $01000000\ 00000000\ 00000000\ 00000000$ (after two rotations)
  • convert back to decimal: $1073741824 = 2^{30}$
Ex: from immediate constant to decimal

Test with 748 326

  • 32 bits: $00000000\ 00001011\ 01101011\ 00100110$
  • oh no... 19 bits can't fit an 8-bit value
  • fail ❌

Test with 32000

  • 32 bits: $00000000\ 00000000\ 01111101\ 00000000$
  • 7 bits fit our 8 bits, so we are good
  • value (8 bits) πŸ”’: $01111101$

Find the rotation:

  • from $00000000\ 00000000\ 00000000\ 01111101$
  • we need to rotate 24 times to get back the number
  • oh no... there is no $n$ giving us $2^n = 24$
  • fail ❌

Test with $-58$

  • 32 bits: $10000000\ 00000000\ 00000000\ 00111010$
  • 7 bits fit our 8 bits, so we are good
  • value (8 bits) πŸ”’: $11101010$

Find the rotation:

  • from $00000000 00000000 00000000 11101010$
  • we need to rotate 2 times to get back the number
  • there is $n=1$ given $2^n = 2$
  • rotation (4 bits) πŸ”: $0001$ (equals to n=1)

πŸ‘‰ The immediate constant stored is $0001\ 11101010$.


You can add a condition for an instruction to be executed only if the condition is true. These conditions are checking the 4 flags:

  • N βž–: is the result Negative?
  • Z 0️⃣: is the result zero?
  • C 1️⃣: is the last carry value one?
  • V 🀯: do we have an overflow?

These flags are either changed after calling a test operation, or by adding the s flag to a normal operation such as adds.

NZCV bits Operator NZCV Detail
al Always
0000 eq Z Last result is 0
0001 ne !Z Last result isn't 0
0100 mi N Last result is negative
0101 pl !N Last result is positive
1010 ge N==V Greater or equals
1011 lt N != V Lesser than
1100 gt !Z AND (N==V) Greater than
1101 le Z or (N != V) Lesser or equals
CS, CC C, !C With/Without carry
VS, VC V, !V With/Without overflow

Test functions πŸ§ͺ

; Comparison: Rn - Operand2
cmp Rn, Operand2

; Comparison: Rn + Operand2
cmn Rn, Operand2

; Bitwise and, this is "&" in C, not "&&"
tst Rn, Operand2

; Bitwise exclusive OR ("|" on C, not "||")
teq Rn, Operand2

Examples πŸ”₯

mov r0, #6 @ r0 = 6
; test if r0 value is 6
; Z = true, ...
cmp r0, #6

; "eq" <=> if Z is true
addeq r0, #6 ; add 6 to r0
mov r0, #2
; test if r0 is equal to 6
; Z = false, N = true...
cmp r0, #6

; "ne" <=> if Z is false
addnes r0, #4 ; add 4 + set flags (Z = false, N = false...)

Barrel shifter

You can apply modifications on Operand2 easily using some operators like >> or << in C. It's useful to transform a value "on the fly" πŸ•Ί as the registers are not modified πŸ₯.

Type of shifts

LSL (Logical Shift Left): Move xxx bits to the left, new bits are set to 0. Not fitting bits are lost (left).

πŸ‘‰ Example: $111111111111\ldots \to^{LSL(4)} 11111111\ldots0000$

LSR (Logical Shift Right): Same as LSL but to the right.

πŸ‘‰ Example: $111111111111\ldots \to^{LSR(4)} 000011111111\ldots$

ASR (Arithmetic shift right): Write xxx times the sign bit, then Rb. Extra bits on the right are lost.

πŸ‘‰ Example: $001110001000\ldots \to^{ASR(4)} 0000001110001000\ldots$
πŸ‘‰ Example: $101110001000\ldots \to^{ASR(4)} 1111101110001000\ldots$

ROR (rotate right): Write the last xxx bits of Rb then Rb. Extra bits on the right are lost.

πŸ‘‰ Example: $001110001000\ldots0010 \to^{ROR(4)} 00100011100010\ldots$

RRX (rotate right Extended): RRX is more complicated. It uses two operands: a carry (the C in NZCV) and an amount xxx.

  • Do a LSR by one position
  • Replace the first bit with the value of the carry
  • The last bit becomes the new carry
  • repeat until the amount is 0

πŸ‘‰ Example: $0011100010\ldots10 \to^{C = 1\ and\ RRX(2)} 010011100010\ldots$


The format is: Rb, shift_type shift_amount.

@ r1 is shifted by 2 before being added to r0
add r0, r0, r1, lsl #2


To declare an array, simply list the values.

array: .word 1,5,7,46,89

You will need a variable for the length. Right-after declaring your array, "." (dot) contains the number of values in the array.

array_length: .

We use ldr to access a value. The index accessed is stored in r1.

ldr r0, =array
mov r1, #0
ldr r2, [r0, r1, LSL #2] @ r2 = array[0]

To store a value, we use str. The index accessed is stored in r1.

ldr r0, =array
mov r1, #0
mov r2, #77
str r2, [r0, r1, LSL #2] @ array[0] = 77;

πŸ‘‰ We use barrel shifting with #2 since values are on 4 bytes.



You can declare a label and use b to navigate to it. Using this, we can exit the loop when the condition is true.

    mov r0, #5 @ init outside of the loop
    @ condition to exit
    cmp r0, #0 @ if r0 == 0
    beq exit @ then navigate to exit:
    @ update r0
    sub r0, r0, #1 @ r0--
    @ do what you want
    @ ...

    @ loop again
    b loop
    @ ...


The stack is a primordial concept when calling a function inside functions. It's also useful to empty registries as we don't have a lot.

πŸ”₯ Basically, we can put values in the stack, and take them back later.

⚠️ When calling a function, it may modify registers, potentially leading to unexpected changes. As a result, we may have lost the register value used to return to the calling function.

4: mov r1, #13
5: bl max;
6: cmp r0, #13

When calling max, 6 is stored in the lr register. If we call another function inside max, then this value will be replaced, and lost.

    push {lr}  @ save the return address to the stack
    @ code ...
    pop {pc}   @ load the return address from the stack

More generically, for normal registers:

push {r0, r1, r2} @ order matters! r0 before r1...
push {r0-r2}      @ can use an interval

πŸ‘» To-do πŸ‘»

Stuff that I found, but never read/used yet.

@ Pre-indexed
ldr r3, [r2, #-8]
ldr r3, [r2, r1, lsl#16] @ r3 = r2 + r1 * 2^16
ldr r3, [r2, #-8]!

@ Post-indexed
ldr r3, [r2], r1