
powershell windowsfundamentals

Powershell is a program offering a shell to run commands called cmdlets πŸ¦„. It abstracts .NET Common Language Runtime (CLR).

The usual format of a cmdlet is VERB-NOUN such as Get-help to get some help about a cmdlet. Its linux equivalent is man.

PS> Get-Help some_cmdlet_here
PS> Get-Help some_cmdlet_here -Examples
PS> Update-Help # if help was empty, update it first

πŸ‘‰ Commands, and arguments, are case-insensitive (e.g. a == A)

πŸ‘‰ You can list every cmdlet with Get-Command (gcm).

πŸ‘‰ Many cmdlets have an alias for a Linux command. For instance, help for Get-Help. See Get-Alias or refer to Wikipedia comparison.

Powershell cmdlets output an object, unlike other shell languages, which output plaintext. It means that we can access a specific column (property) or call a method on it without having to call a command such as grep/cut/... as we would on Linux. πŸš€

PS> Get-Help | Get-Member
Name   MemberType    Definition
----   ----------    ----------
xxx    Method        xxxx
xxx    Property      xxxx
PS> Get-help | Get-member -MemberType Method
PS> Get-help | Get-member -MemberType Property

πŸ‘‰ Use TAB to iterate through arguments.

Basic Overview

Execute a script

For a normal .ps1 script, use dot sourcing:

PS> . .\MyScript.ps1

For a PSI module (.psm1), import the module:

PS> Import-Module .\MyModule.psm1

Powershell ISE

The PowerShell ISE (Integrated Scripting Environment) is an editor for writing, testing, and debugging PowerShell scripts.

Execution Policy

Normal users can't execute scripts by default. There are a few configurations that may be selected. They can be easily by-passed by typing the script contents directly into the shell.

  • AllSigned: allow signed scripts to be executed
  • Bypass: no restrictions ☠️ and no warnings
  • Default: use the default policy (Restricted)
  • RemoteSigned: downloaded scripts must be signed to be executed
  • Restricted: cannot run scripts, only commands
  • Undefined: no policy
  • Unrestricted: no restrictions ️☠️ | warning for remote scripts ⚠️
PS> Get-ExecutionPolicy -List
PS> Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process
PS> Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope CurrentUser

Basic commands

Usage 🐚: list files in a directory

Alias πŸ’Ž: ls

Example πŸ”₯:

PS> Get-ChildItem # current
PS> Get-Childitem "C:/" # give a folder
PS> Get-Childitem -Path "C:/" # same

Only keep files matching a glob-pattern:

PS> Get-ChildItem [...] -Filter "a*"
PS> Get-ChildItem [...] -Include "a*" # ~same

Only show files or folders:

PS> Get-ChildItem [...] -File
PS> Get-ChildItem [...] -Directory

You can list files recursively:

PS> Get-ChildItem [...] -r
PS> Get-ChildItem [...] -Recurse

Usage 🐚: change your working directory

Alias πŸ’Ž: cd

Example πŸ”₯:

PS> Set-Location # DO NOTHING
PS> Set-Location "C:/" # Go to folder
PS> Set-Location -Path "C:/" # Go to folder

Usage 🐚: get the path to your working directory

Alias πŸ’Ž: pwd

Example πŸ”₯:

PS> Get-Location

Usage 🐚: reads and outputs the content of a file

Aliases πŸ’Ž: cat, gc

Example πŸ”₯:

PS> Get-Content file.txt
PS> Get-Content -Path file.txt

Output manipulation

Usage 🐚: create an object; can be used to create an object with fewer properties than another object.

Alias πŸ’Ž: N/A

Example πŸ”₯:

Only keep the properties "A" and "B" from the previous object output.

PS> [...] | Select-Object -Property A, B

Usage 🐚: only keep objects matching the conditions.

Alias πŸ’Ž: N/A

Example πŸ”₯:

PS> XXX | Where-Object -Property XXX -eq YYY

Usage 🐚: sort lines based on one or more properties.

Alias πŸ’Ž: sort

Example πŸ”₯:

PS> [...] | Sort-Object SomeProperty
PS> [...] | Sort-Object SomeProperty,SomeProperty

Text utilities

Usage 🐚: number of words/lines/...

Alias πŸ’Ž: <None>

Example πŸ”₯:

PS> [...] | Measure-Object
PS> [...] | Measure-Object -Word
PS> [...] | Measure-Object -Line
PS> [...] | Measure-Object -Character

Usage 🐚: only keep lines matching a pattern

Alias πŸ’Ž: <None>

Example πŸ”₯:

PS> [...] | Select-String "xxx"
PS> [...] | Select-String -Pattern "xxx"
PS> Select-String [...] -Path "xxx"

Network utilities

Usage 🐚: download a file from a URL

Aliases πŸ’Ž: wget/curl/iwr

Example πŸ”₯:

PS> Invoke-WebRequest URL
PS> Invoke-WebRequest -uri URL

You can save the output somewhere else:

PS> Invoke-WebRequest [...] -o output
PS> Invoke-WebRequest [...] -outfile output

Usage 🐚: list network interfaces. Similar to Linux ip a.

Alias πŸ’Ž: <None>

Example πŸ”₯:

PS> Get-NetIPAddress

Usage 🐚: list open ports. Similar to Linux netstat.

Alias πŸ’Ž: <None>

Example πŸ”₯:

PS> Get-NetTCPConnection

Management utilities

The commands are alternatives to the wmic commands:

  • Operating System Information
PS> Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem
PS> Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem
  • Installed Programs
PS> Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product
  • Apps run at startup
PS> Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_StartupCommand
  • User Information
PS> Get-LocalUser
  • List processes/services
PS> Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service
PS> Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Process
PS> Get-Process
  • BIOS information
PS> Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Bios

System utilities

Usage 🐚: test if a given path exists.

Alias πŸ’Ž: <None>

Example πŸ”₯:

PS> Test-Path "C:/"
PS> Test-Path -Path "C:/"

Usage 🐚: get a file hash

Alias πŸ’Ž: <None>

Example πŸ”₯:

PS> Get-FileHash file
PS> Get-FileHash [...] -Algorithm xxx

Usage 🐚: list hot fixes

Alias πŸ’Ž: <None>

Example πŸ”₯:

PS> Get-HotFix

Usage 🐚: you can manipulate services using these.

Example πŸ”₯:

PS> Get-Service -name spooler # status
PS> Stop-Service -name spooler # stop
PS> Start-Service -name spooler  # start

πŸ‘» To-do πŸ‘»

Stuff that I found, but never read/used yet.

PS> Set-WinUserLanguageList -LanguageList  fr-FR, en-US -force
PS> $Env:path = "$Env:path;${pwd}\bin"
PS> $variable_name = value
PS> foreach($item in $values){}
PS> iex "$([System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String('utf16_base64_encoded')))"
  • Format-List: pretty print as list
  • pwsh: run powershell on Linux