TypeScript is a typed, compiled, generic, and enhanced JavaScript.
- π Compiling a
generates a.js
- π The compiler (and IDEs) can detect errors/mistakes
- π The code is cleaner (enums...)
- π You can compile into any version of JavaScript
Where to learn?
β‘οΈ Install (don't use -g, be clean)
$ npm install typescript
$ npx tsc --init # create a tsconfig.json
β‘οΈ Compile
$ npx tsc --project tsconfig.json
$ npx tsc --project tsconfig.json -w # auto-compile
β‘οΈ Creating/using a tsconfig.json
(doc) is optional.
π General overview π
You need to specify the type of every variable, parameter... unless it's implicit, e.g., it can be deduced by the compiler.
Some types
// π Basics
let aaa : any = ""; // β bad/too generic
let bbb : number = 0;
let ccc : string = "xxx";
let ddd : boolean = true;
// π a variable can have multiple types
let eee : string | undefined | null = undefined;
// π Object
let fff : object = {};
let ggg : { x: string } = { x: "xxx" };
let hhh : (v: string) => string = ((v) => v);
let iii : number[] = [5, 10];
let jjj : [string, string] = ["xxx", "yyy"];
// π Special
let kkk : Promise<string> = (async () => ("xxx"))();
If you know that something is not null, use !!
// querySelector returns Element | null -> Element
const xxx : Element = document.querySelector("#xxx")!!
You can create aliases for types:
type XXX = Record<string, string>
let xxx : XXX = {};
β‘οΈ See also Classes, Interfaces, and Records.
Inside a function, instead of x: type | undefined | null
, you can use x?: type
which is the same.
// π A function parameters
function f(list: number[], xxx?: boolean, yyy = false) {}
// π A return type
function f() : string | null {}
Disable a warning
You can do it by adding @ts-ignore
before any unresolvable warning.
// @ts-ignore
load(xxx); // code generating a warning
JavaScript syntax
These may have been added in newer versions of JavaScript.
let x = y ?? 0 // if "y" is null/undefined, then x = 0
// cast to a more specific type
let random : any = 5
let fiveNumber : number = <number>random;
// enums
enum Enum { A, C = 2, D } // values are [0, 2, 3]
What was exported, can be imported into another file.
// file.ts
export function xxx() {}
export class YYY {}
export enum ZZZ {}
// xxx.ts
import { xxx, YYY, ZZZ } from "../files/file";
ποΈ Classes ποΈ
The syntax is mostly the same as in JavaScript. Modifiers to change the visibility were added: public, private, and protected.
class Example {
// β‘οΈ ex: private static constant
private static SELECT_KEY = 'match_id';
// β‘οΈ attributes
xxx?: boolean // public, nullable
public yyy: string = ""
// β‘οΈ ex: constructor + private attribute
constructor(private Id: number) {}
// β‘οΈ ex: public static function
public static getString() : string | undefined {
return this.SELECT_KEY;
// β‘οΈ ex: protected function
protected doXXX() : number {
return this.Id
Interfaces are used to declare a Type.
interface XXX {
xxx?: boolean
yyy: {
title: string,
url: string
Records are objects with dynamic keys.
const x : Record<string, number> = {}
x.five = 5
Getters and setters
There is a new way to write getters/setters.
class Example {
get number() : number { return 10; };
set number(n?: number) { /* code */ };
// usage
let example : Example = new Example();
example.number; // call "get"
example.number = 5; // call "set"
It's the same syntax as in JavaScript.
class A {}
class B extends A {
constructor() {
π₯ Create a TypeScript library π₯
If you want to create a library, and use it in another local project, you must at least provide a name and a version inside your package.json.
"name": "xxx-library",
"version": "0.0.1"
You can install it inside another project with:
$ npm i ../path/to/your/local/library
This will create a link to the library inside your project, so you don't need to update the library each time you change something.
You may also update your tsconfig.json
to use ESNext
"target": "ESNext",
"module": "ESNext",
"moduleResolution": "node",
// ...
π» To-do π»
Stuff that I found, but never read/used yet.
- clean-code-typescript
- typescript-cheat-sheet and hoomanb
- 1loc
- tsup
"module": "ESNext",
"target": "es2021",
"module": "commonjs",
declare module 'xxx' {
export default function yyy(): ZZZ;
/** @type {import('xxx').xxx} */
// ...