AVL trees

An AVL (Adelson-Velsky and Landis) is a balanced Binary Search Tree. We will ensure that there is no more than one level of "depth" between branches. The complexity is now $\log{(n)}$.

This is an example of a bad BST ($O(n)$) :

Bad BST - complexity O(n)

Everything is the same as for a Binary Search Trees, but we will call a function to balance our tree after add and remove.

Only the implementation of the said function is explained here.

  • βœ…: faster than an ordered list for add, remove
  • βœ…: better than an unbalanced BST
  • βœ…: implementation is mostly the same as for a BST
  • ❌: add and remove are difficult to understand/implement
  • ❌: slightly slower than an ordered list for mem, get_min
Time comparisons - 500 000 values between 0 and 10 000

Test results of an implementation in OCaml.

>>>>>>>>>> TIME FOR A LIST <<<<<<<<<<
Average time of add:                     0.000046
Average time of remove:                  0.000047
Average time for mem:                    0.002340
Average time for get_min:                0.001870
Average time for cardinal:               0.353290 (long)
>>>>>>>>>> TIME FOR BST <<<<<<<<<<
Average time of add:                     0.000002
Average time of remove:                  0.000002
Average time for mem:                    0.006270
Average time for get_min:                0.003290
Average time for cardinal:               inf (too long)
>>>>>>>>>> TIME FOR AVL <<<<<<<<<<
Average time of add:                     0.000010
Average time of remove:                  0.000005
Average time for mem:                    0.003430
Average time for get_min:                0.002800
Average time for cardinal:               inf (too long)


Each time we add an element (parent node determined by the algorithm), we may have to correct imbalances using one of the 4 patterns below:

AVL Rotate Left - Begin Left Rotation AVL Rotate Left - End

If we are adding a child to rr.

AVL Rotate Right - Begin Right Rotation AVL Rotate Right - End

If we are adding a child to ll.

AVL Rotate Left-Right - Begin Inserting in lr AVL Rotate Left-Right - Balance Apply Left Rotation AVL Rotate Left-Right - Half done Apply Right Rotation AVL Rotate Left-Right - End

If we are adding a child to lr (=lrh if lr is empty, otherwise either lrl or lrr).

AVL Rotate Right-Left - Begin Inserting in rl AVL Rotate Right-Left - Balance Apply Right Rotation AVL Rotate Right-Left - Half done Apply Left Rotation AVL Rotate Right-Left - End

If we are adding a child to rl (=rlh if lr is empty, otherwise either rll or rlr).

Balancing Algorithm

The height means the length of the longest path from that node to a leaf. The Balance factor of a node bf(node) is the difference of height between two branches (left child node minus right child node).

Find where the tree is unbalanced

Calculate the balance factor of the root:

  • bf(root) = 2: the tree is left-balanced
  • bf(root) = 2: the tree is right-balanced
  • Otherwise, do nothing

Correct a left-balanced tree

  • bf(right) = 1: Apply a Rotate Right Left
  • bf(right) = 0: ❌ (impossible)
  • bf(right) = -1: Apply Rotate Left

Correct a right-balanced tree

  • bf(left) = 1: Apply a Rotate Right
  • bf(left) = 0: ❌ (impossible)
  • bf(left) = -1: Apply Rotate Left Right

Example 1 - Rotate Left

AVL example 1 - Rotate left

  • Adding 5
  • $bf(tree) = depth(left) - depth(right) = 0 - 2 = -2$
  • The tree is Right balanced
  • $bf(right) = depth(r\_left) - depth(r\_right) = 0 - 1 = -1$
  • Rotate Left

AVL example 1 - Rotate left - init AVL example 1 - Rotate left - do AVL example 1 - Rotate left - clean

Example 2 - Rotate Right

AVL example 2 - Rotate right

  • Adding 0
  • $bf(tree) = depth(left) - depth(right) = 2 - 0 = 2$
  • The tree is Left balanced
  • $bf(left) = depth(l\_left) - depth(l\_right) = 1 - 0 = 1$
  • Rotate Right

AVL example 2 - Rotate right - init AVL example 2 - Rotate right - do AVL example 2 - Rotate right - clean

Example 3 - Rotate Left Right

AVL example 3 - Rotate Left Right

  • Adding 2
  • $bf(tree) = depth(left) - depth(right) = 2 - 0 = 2$
  • The tree is Left balanced
  • $bf(left) = depth(l\_left) - depth(l\_right) = 0 - 1 = -1$
  • Rotate Left Right
    • We will Rotate Left the left
    • We will Rotate Right the tree

AVL example 3 - Rotate Left Right - Begin Left Rotation AVL example 3 - Rotate Left Right - Left Rotation Right Rotation AVL example 3 - Rotate Left Right - Right Rotation AVL example 3 - Rotate Left Right - Done

Example 4 - Rotate Right Left

AVL example 4 - Rotate Right Left

  • Adding 2
  • $bf(tree) = depth(left) - depth(right) = 0 - 2 = -2$
  • The tree is Right balanced
  • $bf(right) = depth(r\_left) - depth(r\_right) = 1 - 0 = 1$
  • Rotate Right Left
    • We will Rotate Right the right
    • We will Rotate Left the tree

AVL example 4 - Rotate Right Left - Begin Right Rotation AVL example 4 - Rotate Right Left - Right Rotation Left Rotation AVL example 4 - Rotate Right Left - Left Rotation AVL example 4 - Rotate Right Left - Done