OCaml is a functional language. It's part of the family of Meta Language (ML). It adds object-oriented features to Caml.
- Documentation (⛪)
- Manual (⛪)
- Online OCaml REPL (🚀)
- ocamlverse.net (🚀)
- ocaml-sf (👻)
- RealWorldOCaml (📚)
- OCaml Programming (📚)
The most common way to get started is to use the opam package manager to install any version of OCaml we need.
$ sudo apt-get install opam
$ opam init # once, ls -l ~/.opam/
$ opam update && opam upgrade # update all
$ opam switch create 4.14.1 # install ocaml 4.14.1
$ opam switch 4.14.1 # select ocaml 4.14.1
$ opam install some_package # see also: update, upgrade
➡️ Browse the list of packages here.
OCaml as a functional language
Implicit types
Types are implicit and should not be made explicit.
The concept of immutability means that we can't modify a variable, e.g., all variables are constants.
let x = 5
x = 6 (* ❌ NOT ALLOWED *)
let x = 6 (* = Delete and create a new one *)
Higher-order function
Everything is a value, or said otherwise, every element is a first-class citizen in OCaml. For instance, we can pass a function as an argument to another function, called a Higher-order function.
(* ⚠️ "1+2" is read by ocaml as "1" "+" "2" *)
(* e.g. three arguments *)
let _ = Format.printf "%d@." 1+2 (* ❌ *)
let _ = Format.printf "%d@." (1+2) (* ✅ *)
Functions should not have any side effects. For instance, if we write a line and do not store the result in a variable, it means we should be able to remove it and not impact the program.
(* not stored in a variable == skipped by the compiler *)
Printf.printf "%s\n" "Hello, World"
🔥 Ex: Every printing function (returning Unit
, e.g. nothing) is not pure.
Referential transparency
This concept is quite related to the concept of Purity. As functions are pure, it means that we should be able to replace the function by its result without impacting the program.
let f x = x -1
-let y = f 5
(* After substitution, it becomes: *)
+let y = 4
Getting Started
OCaml Top-Level, a.k.a. REPL, is a console in which we write expressions, and they are evaluated on the fly 🚀.
$ ocaml
OCaml version 4.14.1
# "Hello, World";;
- : string = "Hello, World"
⚠️ Every expression must end with ;;
unlike in OCaml files.
➡️ There is no need to use printing utilities.
OCaml Programs
OCaml files have the extension .ml
or .mli
(* example filename: hello_world.ml *)
let _ = Format.printf "Hello, World!@."
$ ocamlc hello_world.ml # generate a.out
$ ./a.out
Hello, World!
⚠️ All of ocaml statements must start with a keyword such as let
. Other statements are ignored (unlike in the REPL where they are executed).
➡️ See also: Batch compilation (ocamlc). Common options: -o
, -c
, -I
. A .ml
object file is a .cmo
while it's a .cmi
for a .mli
OCaml Basics
Declare a variable
Simple declarations:
let x = 5
let y = "test"
let x = y (* cannot edit, only redeclare *)
You can declare multiple variables at once:
let x = 5 and y = "test"
(* create two variables *)
Local variables are only available in the scope of the declaration:
(* the last expression is the value of "res" *)
(* res = 750, x/y/z are undefined *)
let res =
let x = 5 in
let y = 10 in
let z = 15 in
x * y * z
⚠️ The name of the variable must start with a lowercase.
⚠️ You cannot use a variable that was not declared.
🔥 If a variable name equal to _
, it's considered as a temporary variable and discarded by the compiler after evaluating it.
let _ = (* some expression with a side-effect *)
(* _ is not defined *)
Print some text in the terminal
It's common to use @.
instead of \n
as it flushes the buffer too.
(* all of them are roughly the same *)
let _ = Printf.printf "%s\n" "Hello, World"
let _ = Format.printf "%s\n" "Hello, World"
let _ = Format.printf "%s@." "Hello, World" (* 🚀 *)
A few of the common types are:
let var = 5 + 0x29a (* type = int *)
let var = 5.0 +. 5. (* type = float *)
let var = true && false (* type = bool *)
let var = '5' (* type = char *)
let var = "5" (* type = string *)
let var = () (* type = unit *)
Functions to convert a variable of type a
to b
have the form b_of_a
(* convert an int to a string *)
let var = string_of_int 5
Here is a list of most operators.
(* arithmetic betwenn integers *)
let sum = 5 + 5 (* 10 *)
let subtraction = 5 - 5 (* 0 *)
let product = 5 * 5 (* 25 *)
(* see also: / and mod *)
(* arithmetic betwenn floats *)
let sum = 5. +. 5. (* 10. *)
let pow = 5. ** 2. (* 25. *)
(* see also: -. *. /. *)
let equal = 5 = 5 (* true ⚠️ not "==" *)
let different = 5 <> 5 (* false ⚠️ not "!=" *)
let negation = not true (* false ⚠️ not "!" *)
(* see also: >, >=, <, <= *)
let op = true || false (* true ☠️ not "or" *)
let op = true && false (* false *)
let str = "ab" ^ "c"; (* concatenation *)
⚠️ !
, !=
and ==
are reserved for addresses comparisons.
Control-flow and Branching
OCaml Branching
As a reminder, everything is a value in OCaml, including statements.
let xxx = if condition then value_if_true else value_if_false
(* simple example *)
let n = if 10 > 0 then 10 else 15
(* example within the code *)
let f x =
let r = if x > 0 then 30 else 15 in
x + r
You can use else if
if ... then ... else if ... then ... else ...
(* which is actually *)
if ... then ... else (if ... then ... else ...)
Assert is a function taking a boolean and raising an exception (Assert_failure
) if the boolean is false. It's used to test the code.
let f x = x
let _ = assert (f 5 = 5)
An exception means something unexpected occurred. It's commonly used to report errors, while in OCaml, it's often used to stop the execution of a function when we got our result.
Some pre-defined exceptions:
Failure s
: we can't work with the given arguments -
Invalid_argument s
: the given arguments do not make sense -
Match_failure (s,i,i)
: missing match case -
: something was not found
To raise an exception:
(* Custom Exceptions *)
exception MyException1
exception MyException2 of string
raise MyException1
raise (MyException2 "message")
(* raise an exception *)
invalid_arg "message" (* raise (Invalid_argument "message") *)
failwith "message" (* raise (Failure "message") *)
(* Catch an exception *)
raise Failure "message"
with Failure m -> (* do something | m is a variable name *)
Example of using exceptions to stop the execution of a function
Imagine we want to add an element in a set (unique values). When we notice the element is already in, we raise an exception and return the existing set instead of creating a new one.
let add_to_uniq_list e list =
let rec aux_unique_list acc = function
| [] -> List.rev (e::acc) (* not in; add our element *)
| x :: xs ->
if x = e then (* raise an exception *)
raise (Failure "Already in")
else (* recreate the set *)
aux_unique_list (x :: acc) xs
aux_unique_list [] list
with (* return the list unchanged *)
| Failure _ -> list
(* examples *)
create_unique_list 5 [3;6;4];;
create_unique_list 3 [3;6;4];;
OCaml Functions
Declare a function
There are two keywords to declare functions: fun
or function
, while you may use neither of them.
(* f(x,y) = x * y *)
let f x y = x * y (* 🚀 *)
let f = fun x y -> x * y
let f = fun x -> fun y -> x * y
let f = function x -> function y -> x * y (* 😶 *)
You may notice it, in OCaml, functions are curried by default, which means that a function that appears to take multiple arguments is actually a series of functions that take one argument each.
Also, functions are only returning one value.
Call a function
The process of calling a function is pretty straightforward:
let v1 = f 5 5 (* 25 *)
let v2 = f 5 (-1) (* -5 *)
let v3 = f 5 (f 6 v2) (* -150 *)
Recursive Functions
A recursive function is a function calling itself. You must add the rec
keyword or you will get an Unbound value
let rec pow x power =
if power = 1
then x
else x * (pow x (power-1))
let _ = pow 5 3 (* 125 *)
To write a terminal recursive function, we use an accumulator.
let pow x power =
let rec pow_acc power acc =
if power <= 0
then acc (* done, return result *)
else let new_acc = x * acc
in let new_power = power - 1
in pow_acc new_power new_acc
(* <=> pow_acc (power-1) (x * acc) *)
in pow_acc power 1 (* x^0 = 1 *)
let _ = pow 5 3 (* 125 *)
OCaml Advanced Types
Composite types
A composite type, commonly called a tuple or record, is a type made of multiple types. It's useful as functions can only return one value.
let person = ("name", 5)
(* same, but less readable 🙄 *)
let person = "name", 5
The type is string * int
let name = fst person (* "name" *)
let age = snd person (* 5 *)
(* deconstruct *)
let (name, age) = person
let (name, _) = person (* name only *)
let (_, age) = person (* age only *)
A zipper is a data structure, which is like a named composite type.
type 'a zipper = {
left : 'a list;
right : 'a list;
(* create *)
let my_zipper = {left= []; right= [] }
(* get *)
let left = my_zipper.left;;
let right = my_zipper.right;;
There are multiple functions for strings.
let equal = String.equal "a" "b" (* false *)
let length = String.length "a" (* 1 *)
There are multiple functions for lists. Lists are generic, as per the 'a
. []
is an empty list and a::list
means adding a
to list
(* the official type of a List *)
type 'a list = [] | (::) of 'a * 'a list
Common uses:
let empty_list = []
let list = 7::list (* add 7 at the front of list *)
let list = list@[7] (* add 7 at the end of list *)
let list = 7::5::[] (* same as 7::(5::[]) *)
let list = [7;5] (* same as 7::5::[] *)
⚠️ Beware that using ,
such as [7,5]
means the list [(7, 5)]
let length = List.length [5;6] (* 2 *)
let merge = List.concat [[5;6];[7;8]] (* [5;6;7;8] *)
let reversed = List.rev [5;6] (* [6;5] *)
let head = List.hd [5;6] (* 5 *)
let tail = List.tl [5;6] (* [6] *)
let is_inside = List.mem 5 [5;6] (* true *)
(* higher-order function 🚀 *)
let plus_one = List.map (fun x -> x+1) [5;6] (* [6;7] *)
let remove_five = List.filter (fun x -> x <> 5) [5;6] (* [6] *)
OCaml Custom Types
Type Inference
Types are inferred, but you may add : type
after a variable name.
let x : float = 5.0
When a value could be of any type, we use 'a
, 'b
let f x = 5.0 (* the type of x is unknown: 'a *)
Types for function are the type of each parameter, with parenthesis if needed, followed by the return type, and separated with ->
(* int -> int -> int *)
let f x y = x + y (* x = int, y = int, return int *)
(* ('a -> int -> b') -> 'a -> b' *)
let g h x = h x 10 (* h = function, x = 'a, return b' *)
➡️ Only the type of the second parameter of h
can be inferred. We could infer that h
is a function as there is a function call h x 10
Create a type
You can declare of type composed of other types:
type person = string * int
let john : person = ("John Doe", 42)
type float_list = float list
let x : float_list = [5.;3.;6.]
A constructor is a way to create variables of a new type.
type person = Person of string * int
let john = Person ("John Doe", 42)
You can have multiple of them (all 3 'tree' are the same):
type tree = Empty | Node of tree * int * tree
type tree = | Empty | Node of tree * int * tree
type tree =
| Empty
| Node of tree * int * tree
let empty_tree = Empty
let a_node = Node (empty_tree, 1, empty_tree)
let another_node = Node (node_1, 1, node_1)
Pattern Matching 🛣️
Implicit Pattern Matching
Pattern Matching can be (implicitly) used with a type that has a constructor to extract its values:
let Person(name, age) = john
(* name = "John Doe", age = 42 *)
➡️ Both name
and age
are variable names. It could be _
Match With Clause
For multiple constructors, we use match with
type person = Anonymous | Person of string * int
let get_name p = match p with
| Anonymous -> "Anonymous"
| Person (name, _) -> name
let _ = get_name (Person ("Henry", 24)) (* "Henry" *)
Match Default clause
We can use _
for a default clause.
let is_anonymous p = match p with
| Anonymous -> true
| _ -> false (* any other constructor *)
let _ = is_anonymous Anonymous (* true *)
Match Merge clauses
You can merge conditions by separating them by |
let is_alive p = match p with
| Anonymous | Person(_,_) -> true
Match Multiple Variables
You can match multiple variables in one clause:
let are_both_anonymous p1 p2 =
match p1, p2 with
| Anonymous, Anonymous -> true
| _ -> false
Match With Lists
As a reminder, lists have the []
and the a::list
(recursive) constructors.
let is_empty l = match l with | [] -> true | _ -> false
(* is e inside l ?*)
let rec mem l e = match l with
| [] -> false
| hd::tl -> e = hd || mem tl e
(* return the first two values, or raise Not_found *)
let first_two l = match l with
| a::b::_ -> [a;b]
| _ -> raise Not_found
Interfaces and Modules
When we compile a .ml
, OCaml will create a .mli
with the same contents as the .ml
. It will compile both giving us a .cmo
and a .cmi
We can create the .mli
ourselves. It's an interface that represents what other .ml
importing this file can use. It contains:
- type declarations 🪨
- function declarations 🌿
- module declarations 📚
- exception declarations 🔥
- ...
Use open File_name
to import file_name.ml
Note that everything inside the .mli
should be copied to the .ml
Example with a simple project
type set = int list
(* we define a set as list of ints *)
val add : set -> int -> set
(** [add s e]: take a set, an int, and return the set with the new element inside.
The set is ordered and the values are uniques. *)
type set = int list
(* this is private as it was not in the .mli *)
exception Exit_add
(** "implement Set#add" *)
let add set e = try
let rec add_acc s = match s with
| [] -> [e]
| hd::tl ->
if (e = hd) then raise Exit_add
else if (hd > e) then hd::(add_acc tl) (* head unchanged, checking the rest *)
else e::s (* add first, as it is the lowest value *)
in add_acc set
with Exit_add -> set (* using exceptions to exit faster, and return the unchanged list *)
open Example (* import "add"... *)
(* add 5 to empty list *)
let five = add [] 5
(* print the first value *)
let _ = Format.printf "%d@." (List.hd five)
You must compile the .mli
before the .ml
$ ocamlc -c example.mli # example.cmi
$ ocamlc -c example.ml # example.cmo
$ ocamlc -c example_test.ml # both .cmi and .cmo
# creating an executable
$ ocamlc example.cmo example_test.cmo -o example_test
$ ./example_test
5 # ok
It's worth emphasizing that the order during compilation matters:
$ ocamlc example_test.cmo example.cmo -o example_test
# example.cmo should've been before example_test.cmo
# as the latter include the former
File "_none_", line 1:
Error: Required module `Example` is unavailable
A module is a sort of box in which we declare variables, types, functions, etc. We define the module signature, and anyone can create its own implementation (and the code should work with any of them).
module type MyModuleType = sig
type set = int list (* declare a type *)
val add : set -> int -> set (* declare a function *)
If you are using a .mli
, you can declare a module using:
module MyModuleName : MyModuleType
To implement a module:
module MyModuleName : MyModuleType = struct
type set = int list (* implement the type *)
let add set e = (* implement the function *)
To use a module:
let five = MyModuleName.add [] 5
➡️ You can define an alias to a module: module MyAlias = MyModuleName
meaning you can use MyAlias
Advanced Content
Folding on Lists
Aside from List.map
to execute a function on all values of the list, there are two functions on Lists to compute a value from a list:
For instance, if we want the sum of the elements in a list. They allow us to get rid of accumulators when using lists.
- List.fold_left:
('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'b list -> 'a
- List.fold_right:
('a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b -> 'b
is terminal while List.fold_right
Ex: List.length with fold 🔥
With a fold_left
let get_length l =
(fun acc _ -> acc + 1) (* update *)
0 (* init *)
l (* what are we iterating? *)
With a fold_right
let get_length l =
(fun _ acc -> acc + 1) (* update *)
l (* what are we iterating? *)
0 (* init *);;
Ex: List.min with fold 🔥
With a fold_left
let get_min l =
(* raise exception if not in the list *)
if l = [] then raise Not_found
(* else do your job *)
else List.fold_left
(fun acc v -> if v < acc then v else acc) (* update *)
(List.hd l) (* init *)
l (* what are we iterating? *)
With a fold_right
let get_min l =
(* raise exception if not in the list *)
if l = [] then raise Not_found
(* else do your job *)
else List.fold_right
(fun v acc -> if v < acc then v else acc) (* update *)
l (* what are we iterating? *)
(List.hd l) (* init *)
OCaml Comments
The following comments are valid in OCaml:
(* "*)" *)
(* (* *) *)
While the following comment is invalid (unclosed string):
(* " *)
Functions are handy to make even more generic modules.
module type AbstractSet = sig
type elt (* we don't know the type *)
type set (* we don't know the type *)
val add : set -> elt -> set
val empty : set
val first : set -> elt
We can declare our functor module as taking another module in argument. We also define that the type of elt
is the inferred from the type of t
(defined in S, the module passed as argument).
module type SetElementType = sig
type t
(* Functor Declaration *)
module GenericSet (S: SetElementType) : AbstractSet with type elt = S.t
(* Functor Implementation *)
module GenericSet (S: SetElementType) = struct
type elt = S.t
type set = elt list
let add set e = e::set
let empty = []
let first = List.hd
module Int_type = struct
type t = int
(* both are the same *)
module Int_Set = GenericSet(Int_type)
module String_Set = GenericSet(struct type t = string end)
let set = Int_Set.add Int_Set.empty 5
👻 To-do 👻
Stuff that I found, but never read/used yet.
- do not use "unit"
Stdlib.compare a b
(-1, 0, 1) - partial function (function not entirely called)
- odoc,
(** *)
Some s
OCaml find command does a lot of things involving libraries. One usage could be to compile using ocamlc
files that use external libraries.
# create a file "test"
# while compiling with debug information (-g)
# avg.ml and test.ml
# while linking external libraries: extlib and oUnit
# Read the documentation if you want to learn more about -package or -linkpkg, while -g/-o are options of ocamlc
ocamlfind ocamlc -o test -package extlib,oUnit -linkpkg -g avl.ml test.ml