GLPi IT Management

GLPi is a popular open-source it management platform. It can be used for a variety of use cases going from host management to ticketing.

GLPi is commonly found in enterprises even if they have another solutions globally, often for a specific use case.

It often had critical vulnerabilities. Refer to the release notes. Default credentials may not have been changed/disabled:

  • glpi:glpi (Super Admin)
  • post-only:post-only (Self-Service)
  • tech:tech (Technician)
  • normal:normal (Observer)

GLPi Pentester Notes ☠️

GLPi Enumeration

When properly configured, only the /public/ route was exposed. Otherwise, you can navigate to /version/ to find the GLPI version.

Once logged, you can also find the version in "about" or in the code.

GLPi Foothold

Try default accounts/credentials.

GLPi Exploitation

This article tackles a few CVEs in GLPI < 10.0.16 to get a RCE.