
Doxygen is a widely used documentation generation tool, especially for C/C++ projects. It generates documentation from specially formatted comments within the source code ✨.

You can download doxygen from the GitHub Release page. You can also download the manual as a PDF from there πŸ“š.

➑️ Doxygen folder on Windows: C:\Program Files\doxygen\bin.

To get started, generate a doxygen configuration file.

$ doxygen -g Doxyfile  # generate
$ less Doxyfile        # to look at the contents 
                       # use "more" on Windows

To build the documentation, use:

$ doxygen Doxyfile

Open the index.html file in your browser (ex: double-click on it).


The Doxyfile allows you to define doxygen settings. You can edit it manually, or you can use doxywizard.

$ doxywizard Doxyfile

The only setting that is required to set is INPUT. You will most likely set EXTRACT_ALL and maybe GENERATE_TREEVIEW too.

Project metadata

  • PROJECT_NAME = "...": project name
  • PROJECT_NUMBER = "...": a version such as 0.0.5
  • PROJECT_BRIEF = "desc": project description
  • PROJECT_LOGO = "path": project logo

HTML settings

  • USE_MATHJAX = TRUE: enable mathjax.js (for LaTeX)
  • GENERATE_TREEVIEW = YES: add a navigation panel
  • LAYOUT_FILE = "path": a layout to change documentation layout
  • HTML_HEADER = ./header.html: add your own header.html
  • HTML_FOOTER = ./footer.html: add your own footer.html
  • HTML_EXTRA_STYLESHEET = style.css: load a CSS file
  • HTML_EXTRA_FILES = file.js: load a JS file

Input/Output settings


  • INPUT = path and INPUT += path: you need to add your source folders here for their documentation to be generated.
  • RECURSIVE = YES: recursively browser input folders
  • EXTRACT_ALL = YES: add to the website entries with no documentation (yet?)


  • OUTPUT_DIRECTORY = "path": generate website folder
  • OUTPUT_LANGUAGE = "English": documentation language


  • EXCLUDE = path and EXCLUDE += path: exclude some path
  • IMAGE_PATH = path: to use image in your documentation, the folder with images must be added to IMAGE_PATH.


  • WARN_IF_UNDOCUMENTED: warnings for missing documentation
  • WARN_IF_DOC_ERROR: warnings for invalid documentation
  • QUIET = YES: not verbose, keep it quiet

Getting started

File documentation

Unless using EXTRACT_ALL, doxygen comments that are in a file with no documentation attached to it are ignored ⚠️.

* \file main.cpp

➑️ This kind of comment is usually at the top of each file.


Doxygen will parse all comments that use its syntax. Inside each comment, we can write tags 🏷️.

Tags can use either \someTag or @someTag syntax.

You can document absolutely everything, from variables to files, passing by functions, classes, structures, and imports...

Doxygen comments

Doxygen comments are those using one of the syntaxes below:

* Block Comment
* Above the target

//! Inline Comment | Above the target

xxx //!< Inline Comment | Same line as the target
xxx /*!< Inline Comment | Same line as the target
    May be on multiple lines. */

Doxygen m.css theme

A popular Doxygen theme is m.css 😎. You can see what it looks like by browsing the magnum project documentation.

The documentation can be found here. You'll need Python.

$ pip3 install jinja2 Pygments
$ git clone
$ cat DoxyfileMCSS
@INCLUDE                = Doxyfile
GENERATE_HTML           = NO
GENERATE_XML            = YES
$ python3 m.css/documentation/ DoxyfileMCSS

➑️ Note that doxygen must be in the PATH or the script will fail.

⚠️ M.CSS ignores the EXTRACT_ALL option. You need to comment on everything, including directories; otherwise the view will be empty.

🫧 You can clean m.css folder and only keep:

β”œβ”€β”€ favicon-dark.png
β”œβ”€β”€ favicon-light.png
β”œβ”€β”€ search.js
└── templates
Customize the navbar 🎧

The navbar is defined with two variables. You can use links or use a pre-defined name such as pages, namespaces, annotated or files.

"<a href=\"some_html.html\">Some text</a>" \
"pages" \
"namespaces" \
"files" \
"<a href=\"a_link\">GitHub</a>"

Common tags

File and folders

You can use:

  • \file filename: make a file visible in the documentation. It's required if you have functions within this file.
  • \dir dirname: make a folder visible in the documentation.
  • \package dirname: folders are called packages in object-oriented

For directories, we usually create a file index.dox and we put some doxygen comment inside using \dir tag.


You can use:

  • \author name: use it multiple times, or provide a list of authors
  • \version version: some version, any format
  • \date d: some date, any format


Code-wise, you can use:

  • \deprecated why: if deprecated and why
  • \bug desc: if there is a bug, add a description
  • \note desc: used to add informational notes


  • \see something: tag to reference something
  • {@link something}: macro to reference something in a description

something could be a file, a folder, a class...


Every comment may have a brief and/or a long description. The long description can be written anywhere within the comment.

 * \brief short description
 * This is a long description
 * that may be on multiple lines.

➑️ You can use HTML in descriptions.


You can use \param for arguments:

  • \param name: same as a parameter in
  • \param[in] name: read-only parameter, may be const
  • \param[out] name: a parameter that will be modified
  • \param[in,out] name: a parameter that we may read and modify

And \return for the return type:

  • \return ...: describe what's returned by the function

Tags mainly used in C


 * \def NAME Brief description.
 * Detailed description.
#define NAME VALUE


 * \struct NAME
struct NAME {
    int id; //!< brief description of this attribute
    char* key; /*!< @brief
        * This is a long description of this attribute
        * that I'm writing here.


 * \enum NAME
enum NAME {
    A_VALUE //!< brief description


It's quite common to use typedef with struct or enum. In such case, you must add \typedef must be before \enum/struct/...

 * \typedef NEW_NAME
 * \enum NAME
typedef enum NAME {} NEW_NAME;

 * \typedef NEW_NAME
 * \struct NAME
typedef struct NAME {
} NEW_NAME; //!< brief description of this struct

If the declaration and the typedef are separated:

 * \typedef NEW_NAME
typedef struct NAME NEW_NAME;

Object-oriented tags


 * \class ClassName
class ClassName {};


 * \throws XXXException reason
void xxx() {
    throw XXXException();


 * \inheritance{Parent}
class Child : public Parent {}


 * \interface XXXInterface
class XXXInterface {
    virtual void xxx() = 0;

Additional tags

Design By Contract

These tags are related to Design By Contract:

 * \pre describe preconditions
 * \post describe postconditions
 * \invariant describe invariants

Test cases

You can use \test to document test cases or test-related information.

 * \test xxx

πŸ‘» To-do πŸ‘»

Stuff that I found, but never read/used yet.