Hashing algorithms

encryptioncrypto101 hashingcrypto101 hash_cracking

A hashing algorithm is a one-way function taking data and generating a hash/digest. They are mainly used to:

  • 🔒 Store passwords
  • ✒️ Ensure authenticity (digital signatures)
  • 🥷 Ensure integrity (checksum)
  • 🫧 In algorithms such as in hashing tables

Since a hash function is one-way, it's impossible to know the original data. However, we can use a hash function to verify if some data matches a corresponding hash.

Problems in hashing algorithms

  • Hash collision 👎: two different data generate the same hash. Some well-known vulnerable algorithms are SHA1, MD5...

  • Determinism 🛣️: a hash function always generates the same hash given the same data. It allows attackers to precompute hashes for well-known passwords, and perform a rainbow table attack. A salt is a parameter (usually, a random string) added to generate different hashes given the same data. Only calling the hash function with the same salt results in the same output.

➡️ They may use brute force with a dictionary of passwords too.

Generate a hash 🔑

👉 There are many language-specific functions, but you can use these commands for testing.

$ echo -n 'password' | <command> | cut -f1 -d' ' > myhash
  • ➡️ Using openssl
# list formats
$ openssl list --digest-commands
md4 md5 sha1 [...]
# generate
$ echo -n "toto" | openssl dgst -md4
  • ➡️compute and check XXX message digest (gnu)
# if you don't use -n, it won't work
$ echo -n 'toto' | sha1sum
$ echo -n 'toto' | md5sum
$ echo -n 'toto' | sha256sum
$ echo -n 'toto' | sha512sum
  • ➡️ Using mkpasswd
# list formats
$ mkpasswd -m help
bcrypt          bcrypt
sha512crypt     SHA-512
sha256crypt     SHA-256
md5crypt        MD5
nt              NT-Hash
# generate
$ mkpasswd -m sha512crypt toto
# or you can use htpasswd
$ htpasswd -bnBC 10 "" toto | tr -d ':\n' # bcrypt
  • ➡️ Online tools

For instance, decrypt.tools (not many algos), hashes.com (many algos), or tunnelsup.

Find the hash algorithm


Let's say we got some hash, and we want to find which algorithm generated this hash, such as MD5, SHA1...

$ echo -n "some hash here" > myhash

Manually Find The Type Of Hash

Some tools may suggest an incorrect format or not support the format you are looking for. You can still try to do it manually.

Some hashes are starting with well-known formats: $id$salt$hash or hash:salt. Some known values for id are: 1 (crypt, cisco, old Linux), 2/2a/2b/2x/2y (bcrypt, web), 5 (sha256crypt), 6 (sha512crypt, modern Linux).

Apache uses $apr1$hash while WordPress uses $P$hash.

Some hashes can be identified by their length.

👉 You can find a lot of examples on hashcat website.

Find The Type Of Hash Online

You could use hashes.com or md5hashing.net.

Find The Type Of Hash With A Tool

# sudo apt install name-that-hash
$ nth -t "some hash here"
$ nth -f myhash
  • haiti (0.6k ⭐). Similar to Name-that-hash, different results.
# sudo gem install haiti-hash
$ haiti "some hash here"
  • hashID (1.3k ⭐, 2015 🪦)
$ cat myhash | hashid
$ cat myhash | hash-identifier

Hash cracking

crackthehash c4ptur3th3fl4g corridor agentsudoctf basicpentestingjt netsecchallenge mustacchio chillhack cowboyhacker cyborgt8 wordpresscve202129447 bruteit chrome memoryforensics attacktivedirectory devvortex cozyhosting file_pkzip hash_dcc hash_dcc2 hash_lm hash_md5 hash_nt sql_injection_file_reading

Hash cracking usually involves a dictionary with a list of potential passwords a.k.a. wordlist (Rainbow tables may be used for older systems).

⚠️ Hash cracking tools may be able to use your GPU to compute results faster. On a virtual machine, they may be less efficient, as the VM itself takes a lot of resources. Consider using your host.

  • ➡️ Online tools

For instance, crackstation (you can download their wordlist!), MD5Hashing, decrypt.tools, hashkiller.io, or hashes.com.

👉 CTFs usually use the wordlist /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt.

Special cracking cases

Some special cases of using john/hashcat along other tools.

Linux shadow hash cracking

password_attacks linprivesc bruteit

To crack the whole shadow file, you may use unshadow:

$ # hash format is $id$salt$hashed
$ unshadow /path/to/passwd /path/to/shadow > hashes
$ john hashes --format=sha512crypt --wordlist=wordlist
$ hashcat -m 1800 -a 0 hashes wordlist

Windows password hash cracking

password_attacks active_directory_enumeration_attacks breachingad memoryforensics hash_dcc hash_dcc2 hash_lm hash_nt

Modern Windows are using the hash format "NT", also referred to as "NTLM", because it is used with the NTLM protocol.

  • LM: previous format. Maximum of 14 characters. Each split into block of 7, uppercased, padded, encrypted using DES, and the two ciphertext are concatenated to form the hash.
  • NT: convert the plaintext to a UTF-16 string and hash it using MD4
$ john myhash --format=nt --wordlist=wordlist
$ john myhash --format=netntlmv2 --wordlist=wordlist
$ hashcat -a 0 -m 1000 myhash # NTLM
$ hashcat -a 0 -m 3000 myhash # LM
$ hashcat -a 0 -m 5600 myhash # NetNTLMv2

There are also Domain Cached Credentials.

$ hashcat -a 0 -m 1100 myhash wordlist # password:username
$ hashcat -a 0 -m 2100 myhash wordlist # $DCC2$salt#username#hash

➡️ See also: NetNTLMtoSilverTicket.

Windows DPAPI Masterkey file


To get the user password from the DPAPI Master key file, assuming the SID is S-A-B-C-D-E-F-G and the filename is H-I-J-K-L:

$ /usr/share/john/DPAPImk2john.py --masterkey H-I-J-K-L --sid S-A-B-C-D-E-F-G --context local > myhash
$ john myhash --wordlist=wordlist

GPG passphrase cracking

networksecurityprotocols linuxstrengthtraining encryptioncrypto101 tomghost

To crack the passphrase of GPG encrypted files, you must convert the file to a crackable file for john:

$ gpg2john file.pgp > myhash
$ john --format=gpg myhash --wordlist=wordlist 

SSH private key - passphrase cracking

password_attacks encryptioncrypto101 basicpentestingjt mustacchio gamingserver bruteit

SSH may have been configured to use a passphrase-protected ssh keys. You must convert the file to a crackable file for john:

$ ssh2john key > myhash
$ john --format=ssh myhash --wordlist=wordlist

Kerberos tickets cracking


If you have a kirbi file, you need to convert it to a hash:

$ kirbi2john cn.kirbi > hash

Once you have a hash, you can crack it using:

$ john --format="krb5tgs" rc4hash --wordlist=wordlist
$ hashcat -m 13100 rc4hash wordlist
$ hashcat -m 19700 aeshash wordlist

⚠️ If john doesn't find any hash, try $krb5tgs$23$*cn*$<hash_here>.

Kerberos Pre Auth cracking


You can crack Kerberos Pre Auth hashes using:

$ john hash --wordlist=wordlist
$ hashcat -m 18200 hash wordlist

Documents - password cracking


You can crack Office documents and PDF documents using:

$ office2john xxx.docx > myhash
$ john myhash --wordlist=wordlist
$ john myhash --show
$ pdf2john xxx.pdf > myhash
$ john myhash --wordlist=wordlist

RAR password cracking

You must convert the RAR file to a crackable file for john:

$ rar2john hello.rar > myhash
$ john myhash --wordlist=wordlist
$ unrar x hello.rar # enter password

7ZIP password cracking


You must convert the RAR file to a crackable file for john/hashcat:

$ 7z2john test.7z > myhash
$ hashcat -m 11600 [...]

ZIP password cracking

password_attacks crackingpasswordswithhashcat agentsudoctf chillhack file_pkzip

You must convert the ZIP file to a crackable file for john:

$ zip2john hello.zip > myhash
$ john myhash --wordlist=wordlist
$ unzip hello.zip # enter password

➡️ There is also fcrackzip (0.4k ⭐)

👉 The same tool can be used with hashcat, but ensure you only keep the hash. See the references, modes 17200-17230.

Wireless password cracking

crackingpasswordswithhashcat wifihacking101

For Wi-Fi password cracking, use hcxtools to create a crackable file:

$ sudo apt-get install hcxtools
$ hcxpcapngtool xxx.cap -o hash
$ hcxpcapngtool xxx.hccapx -o hash
$ hashcat -m 22000 [...]
$ john --format=wpapsk [...]
$ hcxpcaptool -j hash xxx.cap        # alternative?
$ /usr/lib/hashcat-utils/cap2hccapx.bin in.cap out.hccapx
$ hccapx2john out.hccapx > hash      # only for john

OpenSSL Key Cracking (GZIP example)


GZIP (GNU Zip) is a file compression and decompression utility. The result can then be encrypted using tools such as openssl or gpg.

$ gzip id_rsa # => id_rsa.gz
$ openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -salt -in id_rsa.gz -out xxx.gzip -k SomeKey
$ openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -in xxx.gzip -out id_rsa.gz -k SomeKey
$ gzip -d id_rsa.gz # If the key is correct, terminate with code 0

I am not aware of any tool to automate this when openssl was used.

Others converters

  • bitlocker2john: bitlocker protected drive, refer to Bitlocker notes
  • keepass2john: keepass files, refer to KeePass notes
  • For the APOP challenge and hash, refer to APOP
  • For Django hashes, refer to Django

SHA-1 For Signatures 🪦

You should not use SHA-1 to verify the integrity of a message as it has vulnerabilities that can allow an attacker to forge messages.

The class SHA1Helper implements the internals of SHA-1.

SHA1Helper Python Class
class SHA1Helper:
    # SHA-1 Defaults
    K = [0x5A827999, 0x6ED9EBA1, 0x8F1BBCDC, 0xCA62C1D6]

    def left_rotate(self, n, b):
        return ((n << b) | (n >> (32 - b))) & 0xFFFFFFFF

    def sha1_process_chunk(self, chunk, h):
        import struct

        w = [0] * 80
        for i in range(16):
            w[i] = struct.unpack('>I', chunk[i*4:(i+1)*4])[0]
        for i in range(16, 80):
            w[i] = self.left_rotate(w[i-3] ^ w[i-8] ^ w[i-14] ^ w[i-16], 1)

        a, b, c, d, e = h

        for i in range(80):
            if 0 <= i < 20:
                f = (b & c) | (~b & d)
                k = self.K[0]
            elif 20 <= i < 40:
                f = b ^ c ^ d
                k = self.K[1]
            elif 40 <= i < 60:
                f = (b & c) | (b & d) | (c & d)
                k = self.K[2]
                f = b ^ c ^ d
                k = self.K[3]

            temp = (self.left_rotate(a, 5) + f + e + k + w[i]) & 0xFFFFFFFF
            e = d
            d = c
            c = self.left_rotate(b, 30)
            b = a
            a = temp

        # Add the compressed chunk to the current hash value
        h[0] = (h[0] + a) & 0xFFFFFFFF
        h[1] = (h[1] + b) & 0xFFFFFFFF
        h[2] = (h[2] + c) & 0xFFFFFFFF
        h[3] = (h[3] + d) & 0xFFFFFFFF
        h[4] = (h[4] + e) & 0xFFFFFFFF

        return h

    def pad_sha1(self, data):
        import struct

        original_byte_len = len(data)
        original_bit_len = original_byte_len * 8

        # Append the bit '1' to the end of the data
        data += b'\x80'

        # Append '0' bits until the length is congruent to 448 mod 512
        data += b'\x00' * ((56 - (original_byte_len + 1) % 64) % 64)

        # Append the original length as a 64-bit big-endian integer
        data += struct.pack('>Q', original_bit_len)

        return data

    def merge_processed_chunks(self, h):
        return ''.join(f'{x:08x}' for x in h)

    def extract_h_from_hash(self, sha1_hash):
        return [int("0x" + sha1_hash[i:i + 8], 16) for i in range(0, len(sha1_hash), 8)]

    def sha1(self, data):
        h = [0x67452301, 0xEFCDAB89, 0x98BADCFE, 0x10325476, 0xC3D2E1F0]
        data = self.pad_sha1(data)

        for i in range(0, len(data), 64):
            chunk = data[i:i + 64]
            h = self.sha1_process_chunk(chunk, h)

        return self.merge_processed_chunks(h)

We will demonstrate the attack in Python while reproducing the behavior of a PHP server when handling duplicate arguments.

?file=toto.txt&file=tata.txt ===> file == "tata.txt"
class SecretFactory:
    Assume this code is secret
    flag = b'flag{this_is_a_dummy_flag}'
    sha1_helper = SHA1Helper()

    def msg(self):
        return b'file=toto.txt&action=DOWNLOAD'

    def signature(self):
        return self.sha1_helper.sha1(self.flag + self.msg())

    def can_access_file(self, message, signature):
        if signature == self.sha1_helper.sha1(self.flag + message):
            # In PHP, the last value is taken if multiple are present (e.g. two &file=...)
            import urllib.parse
            parsed_params = urllib.parse.parse_qs(message)
            params_as_in_php = {key: values[-1] for key, values in parsed_params.items()}
            if params_as_in_php[b'file'] == b'flag.txt':
                return "Well done, here is the flag: " + self.flag.decode()
                return "Sorry, only 'flag.txt' is available."
        return None

The principle is well explained in this article and its demo. The core idea is that SHA1 is processing the input by blocks of 512 bits (64*8). The first hash is reused to hash the second block and so on.

Given the first hash, we can compute the second hash new_signature with an arbitrary new_message. This second hash is equals (cf. the article) to sha1(flag + original_message + '\x80' + padding + flag_and_original_message_size + new_message).

As long as we can guess the padding length and accordingly the flag_and_original_message_size value, we will be able to craft a message that will result in new_signature.

import struct

s, h = SecretFactory(), SHA1Helper()
known_message = s.msg()
known_signature = s.signature()
h0, h1, h2, h3, h4 = h.extract_h_from_hash(known_signature)

new_message = b"&file=flag.txt"
new_payload = h.pad_sha1(h.pad_sha1(known_message) + new_message)
h_chunks = h.sha1_process_chunk(new_payload[-64:], [h0, h1, h2, h3, h4])
new_signature = h.merge_processed_chunks(h_chunks)

for salt_length in range(1, 64-len(known_message)):
    # "Testing if the key is", i, "characters long."
    original_bit_len = struct.pack('>Q', (len(known_message) + salt_length) * 8)
    padding = 64 - len(known_message) - salt_length - len(original_bit_len) - len(b'\x80')
    test_message = known_message + b'\x80' + b'\x00' * padding + original_bit_len + new_message

    result = s.can_access_file(test_message, new_signature)
    if result is not None:
        print("[+] Found", test_message)
        print("[+] Response", result)

Random Notes

File Checksum

The same functions we use to generate hashes may also be used to generate a checksum for a file. Two identical files have the same checksum. MD5 is not reliable, but often used:

$ md5sum /etc/passwd
$ cat /etc/passwd | md5sum
$ Get-FileHash .\file.txt -Algorithm MD5

CTF Notes


  • The SHA-2 results in a fixed size hash usually represented as hexadecimal. It's 64 chars for SHA-256.

👻 To-do 👻

Stuff that I found, but never read/used yet.


Russian government GOST Hash Function

  • john hash --format=gost --wordlist=wordlist.txt