Cross-Site Request Forgery

introductiontowebapplications cross-site_request_forgery_prevention csrf_injection csrf_0_protection

Fundamentally, Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) refers to using the session of a user logged to a website to perform API calls without their consent. For instance, an API call to modify their password.

XSS is a common attack technique to perform a CSRF attack.

Many modern browsers have built-in anti-CSRF measures, such as with the Content-Security-Policy header.

You can find payloads on PayloadsAllTheThings/CSRF. You can test the payload with a HTTP Requests Grabber first during CTFs.

<form id="autosubmit" action="https://<target_form_URL>" method="post">
  <input type="text" name="xxx" value="yyy" hidden>
  <button type="submit">Submit</button>

πŸ“š During CTFs, it may take between one and five minutes.

Anti-CSRF Token


Some websites have a CSRF token, mostly attached to HTML forms, as a form of protection against CSRF attacks and other automation tools.

It's a generated value that is added to the form, often as a hidden HTML <input> field. It proves that someone submitting a form effectively visited the page with the form beforehand.

Many tools have built-in switches to handle/by-pass such forms.