Forced Browsing

contentdiscovery webenumerationv2 picklerick vulnversity basicpentestingjt blaster rrootme startup wgelctf allinonemj mustacchio chillhack nibbles devvortex cozyhosting bashed blocky backup_file php_register_globals

Forced browsing is a technique in which we test URLs crafted from a list of common files/folders and we try to find something juicy.

  • πŸ§ƒ Configuration files (ex: .config)
  • πŸ‘€ Old files (ex: index.php.old)
  • πŸ’΅ Backup files (ex: xxx.bak,, xxx~)
  • πŸ”‘ Admin/CMS panels (ex: WordPress admin login page)
  • πŸ’° Private files (ex: documents...)

Refer to wordlists#forced browsing for wordlists. ⚠️ Start with small wordlists, then move to bigger one. They don't have the same entries.

Common tools are:

Additional Notes

Version Control Files Disclosure


Sometimes, version control files such as .git for GIT may be exposed. They can be used to find the current and the previous versions of the code. For instance, after downloading a .git:

$ cd .git
$ git diff                  # it says the code is missing
$ git restore *             # restore current version
$ git log -p -- config.php  # look at config.php history

πŸ‘» Automated tools: GitHacker, GitTools, GitHack, etc.

πŸ“š .git may be blocked (403) but .git/index, .git/HEAD, etc. may not.

CGI Scripts

attacking_common_applications shocker

Common Gateway Interface (CGI) Applications are rarely used as they are dangerous. They were often used to connect multiple applications. CGI scripts can be written in many languages. They have a few advantages and many major disadvantages. To look for them:

$ ffuf -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/common.txt -u URL/cgi/FUZZ -e .bat,.cmd
$ ffuf -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/common.txt -u URL/cgi-bin/FUZZ -e .cgi,.pl,.c,.sh,.py

πŸ“š Apache Tomcat returns 404 for /cgi even when it exists.

⚠️ Bash [<4.3] has a vulnerability called shellshock:

$ curl -H 'User-Agent: () { :; }; <write code here>' 'URL/cgi-bin/some_script'

πŸ‘» To-do πŸ‘»

Stuff that I found, but never read/used yet.


  • AJax Rendered Page, automation?