Singleton Design Pattern

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Aliases πŸ“Œ: None

Description πŸ“š: the singleton is used to only have one instance of a class. It's a sort of global variable that we usually access by calling a method #getInstance() from the singleton class.

  • Lazy instantiation: initialization of the global variable when requesting the instance

  • Early instantiation: initialization of the global variable when declaring it

Advantages βœ…

  • Lower memory usage and consumption
  • Centralizing a global point of access to a variable

Disadvantages 🚫

  • Instances are shared/global so it increase complexity

Notes πŸ“

  • Commonly used for Utility Classes

Java implementation

Lazy instantiation

public class RpgMaker {
    private static RpgMaker instance = null;

    // get instance, lazy instantiation
    public static RpgMaker getInstance() {
        // creates
        if(instance == null) instance = new RpgMaker();
        return instance;

    // private !!!
    private RpgMaker(){}

Early instantiation

public class RpgMaker {
    // creates, early instantiation
    private static RpgMaker instance = new RpgMaker();

    // get instance
    public static RpgMaker getInstance() {
        return instance;

    // private !!!
    private RpgMaker(){}