Burp Decoder

burpsuiteom usingwebproxies

This is like the Burp Suite version of the well-known CyberChef. You can enter something, and ask Burp Suite to encode/decode it. You can chain encoding/decoding, and you can also hash your input.

There is a button "smart decode", which is like CyberChief magik, which tries to find the encoding, and decode it.

Texts are highlighted/colored with the color of the transformation applied to them to generate the text below.

For instance, "Hello, World" is in yellow, which means that I used "encode | base64" to generate SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxk, while the latter is highlighted in yellow to indicate that I used "decode | base64" to generate the "Hello, World" below.

➑️ Highlight = decode, colored = encode, color = algorithm.
