Path traversal

fileinc directory_traversal

Path traversal is a vulnerability allowing a hacker will manage to access files/folders that were not supposed to be available for users by exploiting the application.

⚠️ You should use HTTP clients to perform path traversal attacks, as browsers may send something different from what you wrote.

For instance, is supposed to display an image given a URL.

You can use the dot-dot-slash attack, and give a URL such as ../../../../../etc/passwd. You can add more ../ than needed, but try to find the least number required.

It's used by others attacks such as File inclusion or SSRF.

Path Traversal Bypass filters

fileinclusion fileinc archangel php_assert local_file_inclusion_wrappers local_file_inclusion_double_encoding pyrat_auction marabout marabout php_path_truncation

  • If there is a function removing ../, then you can craft a payload that will only work as expected once the input was filtered.
Input: ....//
Input: ..././
Apply Filter: remove ../
Output: ../
  • If the target application decodes URLs more than once (which is not the default in PHP), we may be able to bypass a WAF or similar solutions using Double URL encoding.

  • The path may have to start with a specific folder, in which case, you can simply use folder/../<payload>.

  • Some systems support /./ or // in payloads, which may be handy to bypass naive filters, such as with /etc/./passwd.

  • The null byte %00 could be used in PHP < 5.3.4 to ignore trailing extensions such as .png below:
include "xxx.png%00.php" // include xxx.png
  • We can exploit PHP string truncation in PHP < 5.3.0 to craft a payload. From my experience, it only works when the string has a certain size which is often strictly equals to 4095.
# must be an odd number of characters in the path
payload = 'a/../admin.html' + '/.' * 2026
payload = 'abc/../admin.html' + '/.' * 2025
payload = 'admin.html/' + '/.' * 2028
  • If they are using assert() to filter characters such as .., we may be able to exploit it. Refer to hacktricks notes.